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Vrienden Nederlands Tegelmuseum


This Bulletin is published with some delay due to the transfer of editorial responsibilities. Frans Caignie, who started the publication of this Bulletin in September 1995, has chosen some time ago to retire from his function after more than 16 years of dedication. Frans was responsible for no less than 33 editions and made the ECTC-Bulletin a very successful platform for exchanging information on all what happens in the wonderful world of tiles. On behalf of all the tile specialists and tile enthusiasts from all over the world, the new editor wants to thank Frans explicitly for his long time dedication.

All lay-out work for this Bulletin will from now on be done by Kelly Witteveen, newly appointed webmaster for the Nederlands Tegelmuseum Otterlo. The new editor also wants to thank her for the valuable assistance.


*Lecture BAECK, Mario & VANNESTE, Pol - "Een feest van kleur. Keramische geveldecors in de kuststeden Blankenberge en Oostende tijdens de belle époque", gehouden ter gelegenheid van de tweedaagse studiebijeenkomst rond kusterfgoed "Lifestyle en erfgoed. De wooncultuur van de toerist tussen 1870 en 1940" op 7 oktober 2011 in Blankenberge.

*Lecture BAECK, Mario - "Zwoegen voor schoonheid. Arbeid in de keramische vloer- en wandtegelfabriek Gilliot & Cie Hemiksem 1897-1978", gehouden op het "2e Baksteencongres. Vrouwen en kinderen eerst! Sociale aspecten van de baksteennijverheid" op 22 oktober 2011 in Congrescentrum De Pitte in Boom. De tekst wordt in de congresbundel opgenomen (in publication).

*Exhibition "Jugenstilpracht auf Belgischen Fliesen", van 7 oktober 2011 tot en met 30 september 2012 in het Erstes Deutsches Fliesenmuseum Boizenburg (D). Zie verdere informatie onder Germany. Een korte nederlandstalige toelichting is te vinden op:

*Museum collection In the permanent exhibition of the Belle Epoque Centrum, Elisabethstraat 24, 8370 Blankenberge are, in addition to a small selection of tiles from other Belgian tile factories and several important tiles and tile panels made by the Manufacture de Céramiques Décoratives de Hasselt rescued from demolished buildings in the city, now shown a larger selection of Hasselt tiles out of the collection of the Hasselt city museum Het Stadsmus.www.belle.epoque.blankenberge.be


*Book PLUIS, Jan & STUPPERICH, Reinhard - Mythologische Voorstelling op Nederlandse Tegels, Metamorphosen van Ovidus, Herders, Cupido's, Zeewezens, Primavera Pers, Netherlands, 2011, Dutch text, 288pp, fully illustrated throughout in colour, boards.

Now also available through Buckland Books: "A new book by Jan Pluis is always a pleasure and this one is excellent! Concentrating on mythological and mythical designs on Dutch tiles, this is the most exhaustive treatment of the subject. Many of the designs have been traced back to their origins on early 16th century prints and this has enabled the identification of many of the more obscure designs on early Dutch dleftware tiles. Fabulous!" £37.50

*Book SCOTT, Bill - The Buttercup, the remarkable story of Andrew Ewing and the Buttercup Dairy Company, Leghorn Books, 2011, 126pp, illustrated throughout in colour and with many historic monochrome images, paperback.
Buckland Books' comment: "The remarkable story of Andrew Ewing, the founder of the Buttercup Dairy empire which used T & R Boote tiles designed and supplied by J Duncan and Co, in so many of its shops. This is a fascinating study of social, economic and historical worth, featuring images of many pof the shops, including some that have been demolished." £9.95
Order from: Buckland Books, Holly Tree House, 18 Woodlands Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex, BN17 5PP. Tel/Fax +44-1903-717.648,
Mail to Buckland Books ; www.bucklandbooks.co.uk 

*Internet publications

  • On the conference website “Tiles and architectural ceramics in the world context. Conference held on Saturday 12 November 2011, Potteries Museum and Art Gallery, Stoke-on-Trent” are now made available, instead or next to the abstracts:
  • Lynn Pearson, “Way Beyond Burslem: A journey through British-made ceramic locations abroad”. Paper
  • Barry Corbett, “Pilkington’s Tiles - Exporting Beauty from Lancashire: Exhibitions and Export Market, 1893-1938”. Paper
  • Hans van Lemmen, “The influence of Stoke tile technology and design on Portuguese and Spanish tiles”. Slides
  • Chantal Zheng, “The Japanese ‘Victorian tiles’: A synthesis of East and West savoir-faire”. Paper & Slides
  • Chris Blanchett, “Japanese Copies of British Tiles from the 1920s and 1930s”. Images

See: www.tilesoc.org.uk/conference/exporting-stoke-2011/exporting_stoke_programme.htm 


*Internet publication - “Le Japon promoteur du carreau art nouveau en Asie : une rencontre des savoir-faire”, held by Chantal Zheng (Université de Provence, Aix en Provence, France) in Milano on 19 November 2011 at the international conference ART NOUVEAU & ECOLOGY: Historical lab 2_Tourism and the preservation of Art nouveau / ART NOUVEAU & ECOLOGIE: Laboratoire historique 2_Le tourisme et la préservation de l’Art Nouveau.
Full text available on:



*Website update "Tegels uit Rotterdam"

*Website update "Die Geschichte der Fliese" http://www.geschichte-der-fliese.de

* Exhibition - "Jugenstilpracht auf Belgischen Fliesen". Ausstellung in Boizenburg vom 7. Oktober 2011 bis 30 September 2012 im Erstes Deutsches Fliesenmuseum, Reichenstrasse 4, D-19258 Boizenburg.
In einer außerordentlichen erlesenen Ausstellung historischer belgischer Fliesen der frühindustriellen Epoche gibt das Erste Deutsche Fliesenmuseum Boizenburg Einblicke in das künstlerische Schaffen unseres Nachbarlandes und schließt damit eine wichtige Lücke in der Vielseitigkeit europäischer Fliesenkultur.
Gezeigt werden Erzeugnisse für Wandbekleidungen und Bodenbeläge im Jugendstil und Art deco bis hin zur Modernen von ehemaligen führenden keramischen Fabriken Belgiens. Sie entwickelten sich zu einem der wichtigsten Produzenten in Europa und waren weltweit mit die größten Konkurrenten deutscher Hersteller.
Prunkvolle Wandbilder und Paneele, sowie Einzelfliesen und technologisches Interieur aus der Zeit der Jahrhundertwende um 1900 beeindrucken in besonderer Weise durch ihre Vielfalt und Ausdrucksstärke sowie technische Meisterschaft und lassen die Handschrift ihrer künstlerischen Entwerfer erkennen.
Anliegen des Ersten Deutschen Fliesenmuseums ist es seinen Besuchern zum ersten Mal eine ausführliche Übersicht der Entwicklung der belgischen Fliese von 1840 bis zum Ende der Fliesenproduktion 1979 zugänglich zu machen und Künstlerpersönlichkeiten dieser Zeit vorzustellen.
Info: http://www.jugendstilfliesen-museum.de/ausstellungen_mitte_akt.html
Info flyer Boizenburg Jugenstilpracht

The Netherlands

*Exhibition - “Bijbels woord in tegelbeeld”, a temporary exhibition of Dutch biblical tiles from ca. 1650 onwards from the collection of Evert van Gelder of Boxtel to be seen in Historisch Museum De Bevelanden in Goes from 17 December 2011 until 15 April 2012. This exhibition is announced to be presented later in Museum De Roos,Markt 46, 4930 Geertruidenberg. For more information: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.
The Van Gelder collection is possibly the largest collection in this field in the Netherlands. Many of the tiles shown were used as illustrations in the recently published “Fliesenbibel.

*Lecture – “Het schitterende erfgoed van Portugal. Vijf eeuwen tegelkunst” held by Francine Stoffels at Arti et Amicitiae, Rokin 112, 1012 LB Amsterdam on 2nd of December 2011. Francine Stoffels , who studied English and Portuguese and has many contacts with Portuguese tile experts, gave a well illustrated overview of the tile history and actual architectural realisations in Portugal. A richly illustrated pictorial overview of a tile trip in Portugal under her guidance can be seen under “Portugalreis 2011” on the web pages of the Vrienden Nederlands Tegelmuseum.www.nederlandstegelmuseum.nl/Vrienden/Vrienden_Index.htm
Link naar ArtiPresentatie Portugal

*Annual - TEGEL 39, Vrienden Nederlands Tegelmuseum, September 2011, 48 pages, Dutch, each article is followed by an English summary. These summaries are available in both languages on the website of the Vrienden on www.nederlandstegelmuseum.nl/Vrienden/Vrienden_Index.htm   under “Tegel”.


  • Een Makkumer gymnastiektegel door Jan Pluis
  • Twee tableaus van molen De Arkduif door Nicolas Verhulst
  • Judith Révész en de olifant door Dik Doesberg
  • Prent en Tegel: Een bijzondere zeventiende-eeuwse Bijbeltegel ‘De betaling van de tol’ door Wilfried Willekes
  • Georg Sturm, ontwerper naast Pierre Cuypers door Rob Delvigne m.m.v. Frans Landzaat
  • Tegeltableaus in de kerk Madre de Deus in Lissabon. Vanaf de bestelling in Nederland tot in de negentiende eeuw door Ana Anjos Mântua en João Pedro Monteiro
  • Wilhelm Joliet, een meesterlijke tegelkenner. ‘Als buitenlander moet ik voorzichtig zijn’ door Lejo Schenk


*Conference- "Lisbon: Tiles and the City”, held on 25, 26 and 27 November 2011. The Lisbon City Council (CML), the Institute of History of Art at the University Nova of Lisbon and the Institute of History of Art of the University of Lisbon/Thematic Network on Studies of Tiles and Ceramics João Miguel dos Santos Simões jointly organized this First Meeting on tile heritage in order to discuss issues, share knowledge and experience as an indispensable contribution to a better and more effective awareness of this heritage and to plan preventive action in order to protect and promote tile painting.  


*Conferences & Exhibitions – “Azulejería en tierras del Islam”. The Museo Nacional de Cerámica y Artes Suntuarias González Martí, C/ Poeta Querol 2, 46002 Valencia organised in October 2011 a conference day on tiles in Islamic counties e.g. the Maghreb and the Orient with two conferences: “Décors du feu. L’art de la céramique dans l’architecture iranienne à la fin du Moyen Âge” by Sandra Aube (Institut Catholique de París) and “La azulejería tunecina: testimonio del diálogo entre las dos orillas” by Clara-Ilham Álvarez Dopico (Becaria MCU, Museo Nacional «González Martí»).

The same museum featured on 1 December 2011 the group discussion "Restauración virtual del pavimento de “La Fama” del Colegio del arte mayor de la Seda" on the virtual restoration of this important tile floor dating from the middle of the 18th century.

This museum frequently presents, in small temporary exhibitions, important tile panels otherwise kept in the reserves.

All the activities of this museum can be followed in the official bulletin La Gaceta de Folchi to be downloaded from the museums website:mnceramica.mcu.es


*Newsletter – The June 2011 issue of the newsletter edited by the Friends of Terra Cotta Inc. has as its main article: Jay Schockley & Susan Tunick, “A Capital Discovery : Early American Terra-Cotta on a Philadelphia Church” also published in the American Ceramic Circle Journal, Volume XVI. The September 2011 issue contains information on three contemporary projects that use terra cotta for interior purposes. The December 2011 issue focuses on the salvaged terra cotta elements of the former Madison Square Presbyterian Church one of New York’s finest but shortest-lived structures.

The objective of this Bulletin is the exchange of information on all kind of events (publications, exhibitions, lectures, ...) related to the subject of tiles and tiles related architectural ceramics.
Redaction closed twice a year, in February and September.
Please send any useful information to the editor.

Edited by Stichting Vrienden Nederlands Tegelmuseum - European Ceramic Tiles Circle, c/o Baeck Mario, Molenstraat 42c, B-2861 O.-L.-V.-Waver, Belgium.
Mail to Baeck Mario

The European Ceramic Tiles Circle is not responsible for the correctness of the information.
Prices are for information only and exclusive post & packing costs.
