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Vrienden Nederlands Tegelmuseum



Newsletter Tiles & Architectural Ceramics Society (TACS) Newsletter, nbr 50 and 51: events and news from the Society. For enquiries about membership : TACS, Prof. William Prescott, 38 Church Street, Stony Stratford, Milton Keynes MK11 1BD.

Antique Tile Fair Bring, buy, sell or swap tiles on Saturday 7th October 2000, 1.00-4.30 pm at Arnot Hill House, Arnot Hill Park, Nottingham. After the Sale, enrolled TACS members are welcome to view the tile collection of Michael Blood - about 2000 tiles. An organisation of TACS ; details and enrolment from Michael Blood, Nottingham, tel. +44-115-960.8502.

Magazine TACS, Glazed Expressions, number 40, Spring 2000, 12 pages. Articles on: State of the Art - a review of tile making at the turn of the century ; Contemporary Terracotta and Faience ; A Millennium Tile Mural at Wrexham ; Tile making in New Zealand ; Tile Mural at East High School, Erie, Pennsylvania ; a Collector's corner. TACS address: see above.

Internet site TACS online www.tilesoc.org.uk : database, gazetteer of British tile sites, publications, what's new.

Book VAN LEMMEN, Hans - Medieval Tiles, Shire Publications. To be published Sept./Oct. 2000. ISBN 0-7478-0463-X.

Exhibition "Royal Kingston, Royal Delft" Delftware, September 9th - October 7th, 2000 in Kingston Museum, Wheatfield Way, Kingston upon Thames, KT1 2PS (Greater London). A major exhibition of 17th to 20th c. Delftware drawn mainly from two private collections, previously never exhibited. It marks the links between the twinned Dutch city of Delft and the Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames. There will be a few examples of tiles found locally in Kingston on display. Tel. +44- 20-8546.5386. E-mail Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. . Catalogue available, order from the Museum at above address.

Museum restoration The first phase of the restoration of the former Craven Dunnill, Encaustic & Decorative Tileworks at Jackfield, is completed. Further help is needed to support the Museum to preserve the last remaining almost complete Victorian tile factory. Contact Michael Vanns at The Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust, Ironbridge, Telford, Shropshire TF8 7AW.

Catalogue Guildford Museum, Guildford, Surrey. A small catalogue of the exhibition On the tiles ... with a glazed expression, May 2000. Medieval tiles, London biblical tiles, seascapes made in Liverpool, early 1600's Dutch tiles, early children's games and landscapes, late 19th c. 'William Morris' design tiles made in Holland. £1,-. Order from the Museum, tel +44-1483-444.751.


Exhibition "Images du pouvoir: pavements de faïence en France du XIIIe au XVIIe siècle" (Images of power : French faience pavements, 13th-17th c.), June 24th - September 24th, 2000 in Musée de Brou, 63 boulevard de Brou, 01000 Bourg-en-Bresse.

Exhibition catalogue - Images du pouvoir: pavements de faïence en France du XIIIe au XVIIe siècle. 200 pages, 180 ill. of which 135 in colour. ISBN 2 7118 4047 6. Catalogue to the above-mentioned exhibition, under direction of Jean Rosen and Thierry Crépin-Leblond, edited by Réunion des Musées Nationaux. FF 240,-. Order from Musée de Brou at above address.Through the study of pavements, some of them not yet published or not well known, it is the intention to review the history and the development of faience in France, highlighting the role of faience and pavements to the ostentation of mighty people, before progressively becoming accessible to new social classes.

Catalogue MAILLARD, Anne - La céramique architecturale à travers les catalogues de fabricants, 1840-1940. Un inventaire raisonné de la collection du Musée de la céramique architecturale à Auneuil. 1999, 175 pp. Fully illustrated in b/w & colour. Lists French tiles and tile catalogues. Order from : Musée de la Céramique, Av. du Maréchal Foch 432, 60390 Auneuil.

Bulletin Les informations de l'ABRC - Association Bourguignonne de Recherches Céramiques, n° 25, May 2000, 4 pages. Edited by ABRC, rue Dr. Maret 5, 21000 Dijon. Ceramic exhibitions, events, publications in France and abroad.

Article LESBROS, André - 'La faïencerie de Liancourt (Oise)', in: Groupe de Recherches et d'Etudes de la Céramique du Beauvaisis, Bulletin n°21, 1999, pp. 207-231. On pp. 230-231, 40 tin-glazed tiles produced in Liancourt, reconstructed through fragments found on the manufacture site, are shown in colour ; on pp. 115-116, chimney with peacocks by Auguste Delaherche (1927) acquired by the Musée Départemental de l'Oise in Beauvais. Info : G.R.E.C.B., 8 Av. Victor Hugo, 60000 Beauvais.

Book MAYER, Jannie (Ed.) - Pavement: Carreaux de Sol en Champagne au Moyen-Age et à la Renaissance, Editions du Patrimoine, France, 1999, 224 pp., illustrated in colour and b/w with photographs, drawings and plans, A4 landscape. A record of all the medieval tiles, inlaid, plain and tin-glazed, to be found in the Champagne region ; each floor is described and mapped with the decorated tiles painted in colour to scale. £ 36.00. Order from Buckland Books, Holly Tree House, 18 Woodlands Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex, BN17 5PP. Tel/Fax +44-1903-717.648, e-mail Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken..

Catalogue Catalogue illustré des carreaux de Creil & Montereau (1889). 21 lithographic prints, 126 decors, over 500 tiles. Colour-copy A4 reproduction, limited availability. Info: Amis de la faïence fine, J. Bontillot, 14 rue Emile Guillaume, 89690 Cheroy.


Article JOLIET, Wilhelm, ULFERTS, Gert-Dieter - 'Delfter Fliesenbilder mit niederländischen Landschaften im Schloß Belvedere bei Weimar' (Delft tile pictures with Dutch landscapes in castel Belvedere near Weimar), in: Mitteldeutsches Jahrbuch für Kultur und Geschichte, p. 99-113. The history of tile pictures made by "De Porceleyne Fles", Rotterdam.

Catalogue SIMMERMACHER, René - Jugendstil-Fliesen, INFO, Karlsruhe, 2000, 118 pp., over 500 colour illus. Catalogue of the tile collection of the Badishes Landesmuseum in Karlsruhe. Overview of German tiles, catalogued by factory ; several Belgian and some English Art Nouveau tiles too. German text. ISBN 3-923132-79-4. DM 40,-. Order from : INFO Verlagsgesellschaft Karlsruhe, Käppelstraße 10, 76019 Karlsruhe, Tel. +48-721-617.888, fax -621.238. http://www.infoverlag.de

Newsletter Fliesen Presse, Informationsblatt für die Mitglieder und Förderer des Ersten Deutschen Fliesenmuseums Boizenburg e.V., April 2000. Information : Reichenstraße 4, 19258 Boizenburg. Tel. 03 88 47 / 53 88 1, fax 03 88 44 / 2 14 30.

Book Various authors - Jacob Julius Scharvogel, Keramiker des Jugendstils, Arnoldsche, 1995. German text, short English introduction, 158 pp., 196 illus., 94 in col. This German potter and his company made a wide range of stoneware tiles, mosaics and architectural pieces. This book contains extensive coverage of these items as well as the standard pottery lines and includes reproductions of the company's tile and garden catalogues. £ 45,-. Order from Buckland Books : address : see above.

Article DYROFF, Klaus P., und KRETZSCHMAR, Frank - 'Fliesensicherung in Schloß Augustusburg, Brühl', in: Denkmal- pflege im Rheinland, Landschaftsverband Rheinland/Rheinisches Amt für Denkmalpflege, Pulheim 2000, p. 81-92, 14 illus.

Exhibition catalogue Doch auch dies letzte Abendroth der Ofenmalerei erbleicht ..., 52 pp., many illus. in colour and b/w. Catalogue of the exhibition "Künstleröfen - Ofenkünstler", April - August 2000, in : Ofen- und Keramikmuseum Velten - das Museum in der Ofenfabrik A. Schmidt, Lehmann & Co. GmbH, Wilhelmstraße 32, 16727 Velten. Tel. +48-3304-31760, Fax -505887. Order from the museum. Ask for the exhibition program and for the other activities organised by the museum.

The Netherlands

Exhibition "Tiles and tile pictures of the Amsterdam pottery 'De Distel', 1895-1925" : September 2 - December 31, 2000, in: Het Nederlands Tegelmuseum, Eikenzoom 12, 6731 BH Otterlo. Tel. +31-318-591.519, Fax -592.000.

Exhibition catalogue for above mentioned exhibition. Edited by Het Nederlands Tegelmuseum, 56 pp. Introduction by K. Nijkerk (Dutch), English summary and the catalogue section with many colour illus. NLG 29,50. Order from the Museum.

Annual meeting The Vrienden van het Nederlands Tegelmuseum (Friends of the Dutch Tile Museum) have their annual meeting on Saturday 30 September, 2000 at 10.00 am in Enkhuizen. Several lectures in Dutch or German on various tile subjects, in the afternoon a visit of local faience finds shown in the city hall and a "tile walk" through the Zuiderzeemuseum.

Annual Vrienden van het Nederlands Tegelmuseum: TEGEL 28, September 2000, 56 pages, Dutch + English summary :1) 'Tile pictures at the back side of the hearth, first half of the 17th. c.' (Dr. J. Herbert van den Berge), 2) 'A Mamluk tile in Otterlo' (Agnita van 't Klooster & Hans Theunissen), 3) 'Jugendstil tiles made by De Distel, Amsterdam', part 3 (Karel Nijkerk), 4) 'Prints and tiles. William II, Mary and who else ?' (Kitty Laméris), 5) 'Niche floor tiles showing animals' (Frans Landzaat), 6) 'Eneas draegt zyn vader' (Wilhelm Joliet); Bibliography 1.07.1999 - 1.07.2000; a cquisition of a 20th c. tile picture "De Reuk" (the smell) by the Museum. NLG 15,-. Order from: Het Nederlands Tegelmuseum, address: see above.

Book PLUIS, Jan - Fries Aardewerk, Deel I: Kingma - Makkum (Frisian Earthenware, Part I: Kingma - Makkum), May 2000. 260 pp., ca. 350 ill. of which 200 in colour. ISBN 90-74310-63-X. NLG 125,-. Order from : Primavera Pers, Burggravenlaan 7, 2313 HM Leiden; tel. +31-71-514.4482, fax -514.4372. Deals with the production of the Kingma pottery in Makkum from 1784 to 1812. About 700.000 pieces of earthenware and dishes, 3.500.000 tiles and 1700 tile pictures were sold in 28 years.Planned : part II: Bolsward, march 2001 ; part III: Tichelaar Makkum, march 2002 ; part IV: Harlingen, march 2003.

Internet site www.keramiekklassiek.com  : tile collection, tile replacement and tile design. Categories file past automatically.

Auction Van Sabben Tile Auctions, Ooststraat 32, 3261 KM Oud-Beijerland. Tile Auction catalogue n° 6, September 2000. Auction of ca. 700 lots antique tiles on Saturday, September 9th 2000, at 13:00 pm. All of the lots will be laid out during the view days, from August 19th up to and including September 8th, every day from 10:00 to 17:00 (September 9th : from 9:00 to 13.00). Auctioning exclusively via written bids under notarial supervision. Tel. +31-186-621.876 or -621.828, fax -619.092.


Magazine Butlletí Informatiu de Ceràmica, n° 67, July-December 1999; a publication of the Associació Catalana de Ceràmica Decorada i Terrissa, Sant Honorat 7, 08002 Barcelona. Albert TELESE I COMPTE - Interpretació d'un plafó de rajoles que representa probablement Sant Salvador d'Horta (Interpretation of a tile panel, probably representing Saint Salvador d'Horta), p.66-69. Catalan text. Many other information on tiles and tiles related ceramics, panorama and book reviews.

Exhibition "La Ruta de la Cerámica", Nov. 15, 2000 - Jan. 30, 2001, in Museo Nacional de Cerámica, c/Poeta Querol 2, 46002 Valencia. Tel. +34-96-351.63.92, fax -351.35.12. Exhibition on ceramics in Architecture and its influences across world and time.

Catalogue Various authors - La Ruta de la Cerámica (The root of ceramics), ASCER/ALICER, Spain, 2000, full Spanish and English texts, 360 pp., 373 col. illus. Catalogue of above listed exhibition, illustrating the influences upon and history of ceramic tiles in Europe, focusing particularly on the Iberian peninsula ; using carefully chosen tiles and pictures, it examines the history of tiles from 6000 BC to the present day. Order from the Museum or Buckland Books (£ 37.50); address : see above.

Museum Museu Municipal Vincenç Ros, Av. Vincenç Ros, s/n, 08760 Martorell (Barcelona). Tel. +34-93-774.09.64. E-mail: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. . Collection of about 15.000 tiles of Vincenç Ros and Joaquim Mir, different periods and styles.

Museum L'Enrajolada, casa-museu Santacana, c. Francesc Santacana,15, 08760 Martorell (Barcelona). Tel +34-93-775.07. 95. E-mail: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. . Tiles constitute the major part of the museum's ceramics collection (Lluis Faraudo collection).


Museum Museo del Azulejo, Cavia 3080, C.P. 11.300 Montevideo. Tel +598-2-709.6352, Fax +598-2-908.1881. Founded in November 1997, based on the private collection of Arq. Alejandro Artucio Urioste, Director of the Museum. More than 2400 tiles (end of 18th c. - early 20th c.) are on show : Catalan, Valencian and Andalusian tiles, French tin-glazed tiles (1000 from Desvres), European Art Nouveau tiles, Portuguese, Neapolitan and Dutch tiles, and local Uruguayan production (ca. 1840). Many cupolas and towers of churches and cathedrals in Uruguay and Argentina are covered with French tiles. These buildings and the tile collection of the museum are extensively described in two books by Arq. A. Artucio Urioste: El Azulejo en la arquitectura del Rió de la Plata, Siglos XVIII y XIX and Catálogo de azulejos franceses del siglo XIX, hallados en Uruguay, Argentina y Brasil. $ 20,- each. Post&packing $ 14,- for each 2 books. Order from bookshop Linardi-Risso, Fax +598-2-915.7431.

The objective of this Bulletin is the exchange of information on all kind of events (publications, exhibitions, lectures, ...) related to the subject of ceramic tiles and tiles related ceramics.
Published twice a year, in February and September.
Please send any useful information to the editor.

Edited by Stichting Vrienden Nederlands Tegelmuseum - European Ceramic Tiles Circle, c/o Caignie Frans, Akkerstraat 3, B-2970 Schilde, Belgium. Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.

The European Ceramic Tiles Circle is not responsible for the correctness of the information.
Prices are for information only and exclusive post & packing costs.
