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Vrienden Nederlands Tegelmuseum



Book BIELEN, Erik - ‘Delftse’ tegeltjes in Lokeren. De collectie faïence wandtegels van het Stedelijk Museum van Lokeren (Delft tiles in Lokeren. The collection of fayence wall tiles in the Municipal Museum), Lokeren 1999. 123 pages, 25 ill. Special edition nbr 6 for the 30th anniversary of the regional corporation "De Souvereinen". Extensive coverage of bible tiles. Order from: Stedelijk Museum voor Oudheidkunde en Plaatselijke Geschiedenis, Erik Bielen, Markt 15a, 9100 Lokeren. BEF 350.


Newsletter Tiles & Architectural Ceramics Society (TACS) Newsletter, nbr 48 and 49: events and news from the Society. For enquiries about membership : TACS, Prof. William Prescott, 38 Church Street, Stony Stratford, Milton Keynes MK11 1BD.

TACS Gazetteer project TACS is running a project to make an inventory of tile sites all over England. Volunteers can apply to Lynn Pearson, 9 The Poplars, Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne NE3 4AE. e-mail: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.

Magazine TACS, Glazed Expressions, number 39, Autumn 1999, 12 pages. Articles on: The Czech Alphonse Mucha’s designs on tiles (Hans van Lemmen) - The Ceramic Murals of Philippa Threlfall (Penny Beckett) - Interviews with prominent British tile manufacturers - Medieval church tiles at Old Radnor, Wales (Jane Kent) - a Collector’s corner and a summary of Hans van Lemmen & Bart Verbrugge’s new book on Art Nouveau Tiles (see details in Bulletin n° 8). TACS address: see above.

Book VAN LEMMEN, Hans - Victorian Tiles, Shire Publications. First published in 1981. Second edition with new text and 40 col. & 40 b/w ill., published March 2000. ISBN 0-7478-0444-3. Order from: Buckland Books; address : see further. £ 4.50.

Catalogue RAY, Anthony - Spanish Pottery 1248-1898, Victoria & Albert Museum, London. 544 pp. To be published March 2000. 261 colour & 1000 b/w illustrations. ISBN 1 85177 291 X. £ 125. Complete catalogue of the V&A collection including extensive collection of Spanish tiles. Order from: V&A Enterprises, Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL. Tel +44/20/7942.2689.


Exhibition catalogue Peintures et sculptures de faïence Rouen, XVIIIe siècle. Catalogue of the exhibition, 24.10.1999 - 24.01.2000, in Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rouen, including 8 large stove tiles, early 18th c. attributed to Pierre 1er Chapelle. 216 pages, 200 col. & 100 b/w illustrations. French text. FRF 195,-/240,-. Order from the museum: Square Verdrel, 76000 Rouen.

Article BENTZ, Bruno - 'Les multiples facettes de l’art du carreau de faïence en France' (the multiple aspects of tile art in France), in: Revue d’archéologie moderne et d’archéologie générale (RAMAGE), n° 13 (1998), p.53-63. Presses de l’Université de Paris-Sorbonne, 18 rue de la Sorbonne, 75230 Paris Cedex 05; fax +33/1/; e-mail: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.

Article BENTZ, Bruno et JOLIET, Wilhelm - 'Les cavaliers d’Antonio Tempesta peints sur les carreaux de faïence hollandais importés en France au XVIIIe siècle', in : Sèvres, Revue de la Société des Amis du Musée National de Céramique, n° 8 (1999), p.81-88. Order from: Musée national de céramique, Place de la Manufacture, 92310 Sèvres.

Catalogue MAILLARD, Anne - Musée départemental de la Céramique Architecturale à Auneuil (Oise), Catalogue sommaire illustré des premières acquisitions de 1992 à 1996. 1998. Floor and wall tiles sections, p.59-104. Order from Buckland Books, Holly Tree House, 18 Woodlands Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex, BN17 5PP. Tel/Fax +44 1903 717 648. £ 25,00.

Book CHAUDUN, Laurence & Nicholas - Paris Céramique; les couleurs de la rue. Paris Musées, 1999. 144 pp, 242 colour illustrations. Full colour introduction to the Victorian, Art Nouveau and Art Deco tiles, faience and mosaics of Paris architecture; description of over 200 sites in and around Paris with a map. Order from Buckland Books; address : see above. £ 36,00.

International event: Colloquium: Images du pouvoir : les pavements de faïence en France du XIIIe au XVIIe siècle (Images of power : French faience pavements, 13th-17th c.), in : Bourg-en-Bresse, 23-24 June 2000 ; Catalogue : (ca. 200 pp., 180 ill., edited by Réunion des Musées Nationaux) ; Exhibition : June-September 2000 in Musée de Brou, 63 Boulevard de Brou, 01000 Bourg-en-Bresse. For detailed information contact the Museum or : ABRC - Association Bourguignonne de Recherches Céramiques, Mr Jean Rosen, rue Dr. Maret 5, 21000 Dijon. Through the study of pavements, some of them not yet published or not well known, it is the intention to review the history and the development of faience in France, highlighting the role of faience and pavements to the ostentation of mighty people, before progressively becoming accessible to new social classes.

Bulletin Les informations de l'ABRC - March 2000. Ceramic exhibitions, events, publications in France and abroad.


Article 'Tausend Fliesen für den Dom', in: Fliesen und Platten, 11/1999. 15th c. floor tiles in San Petronio cathedral, Bologna.

Newsletter Fliesen Presse, Informationsblatt für die Mitglieder und Förderer des Ersten Deutschen Fliesenmuseum Boizenburg e.V. October 1999 and January 2000. Information : Reichenstraße 4, 19258 Boizenburg.

Exhibition "Künstleröfen - Ofenkünstler, Entwurfe von Schinkel bis Bollhagen", 8.04.- 27.08.2000, in : Ofen- und Keramikmuseum Velten - das Museum in der Ofenfabrik A. Schmidt, Lehmann & Co. GmbH, Wilhelmstraße 32, 16727 Velten. Tel. +48/ 3304/31760, Fax /505887. Ask for the program January-December 2000 for the other activities organised by the museum.


Book HADI SEIF - Persian painted tiles, Soroush Press, Tehran, Iran, 1997, Arabic text with English summary, 306 pp., 241 colour ill. Features tiles mainly from the 19th and early 20th c. Order from : Buckland Books; address: see above. £ 39,50.


Magazine Azulejós Portugal e Brasil, in: Oceanos, nr 36/37. Portuguese and English edition. PTE 4500.

Exhibition catalogue Fabrica de Massarelos, Porto 1763-1936. Catalogue of an exhibition in the Museu Nacional de Soares dos Reis, Porto, 1998. PTE 9500.

The Netherlands

Article BARENDS, Frederik F. - 'Het mooiste bouwmateriaal (2), Blauw was ooit helemaal ‘in’' (Beautiful construction material, the fashion was blue), in: Origine, Kunst & Antiek, nr 5 / 1999, Jaargang 7, p. 90-94.

Collection report TUKKER-TEMMER, M. & TUKKER, G.J.J. Ir. - 'Een reis door de tijd aan de hand van een verzameling wandtegels uit Nieupoort' (A journey through the time on the basis of a collection of wall tiles from Nieuwpoort), in: De Stede Nieuwpoort, zesde verzameling bijdragen 1999, p. 16-39, Uitgave: Historische Kring Nieuwpoort. ISBN 90-802405-3-2.

Exhibition catalogue LANDZAAT, Frans - Faience- en Tegelfabriek Westraven, Overzichtstentoonstelling 1661-1995. 28pp. Dutch text. Short history of the rooftile and floortile factory since its foundation in 1661, covering the wall tile production that started in 1845. NLG 7,50. Order from F.H. Landzaat, Wickenburghselaan 34, 3998 JX Schalkwijk. Tel. +31/30/601.12.07.

Exhibition catalogue VAN DAM, Jan Daniël - ‘Delfts’ uit de provincie. Aardewerk uit Hollandse tegelfabrieken (Delftware from the Province, Earthenware from tile factories in Holland), in : Vormen uit vuur, 1999/3-4, p. 1-107. Catalogue of the exhibition, 2.09.1999 - 9.01.2000, in Museum Willet-Holthuysen, Amsterdam in co-operation with the Rijksmuseum of Amsterdam. Dutch text, 4 pages English summary. NLG 50,-. Order from: R. Daalmeijer, Boerhaavelaan 27, 2334 EC Leiden.

Book TEN BROEKE, Johan, VAN SABBEN, Arno, WOUDENBERG, Richard - Antieke Tegels - Antique tiles - Carreaux anciens. January 2000. 188 pages; over a thousand pictures in full colour; history in three languages. NLG 65,- Order from: Van Sabben, Kunst en Antiquiteiten, Ooststraat 32, 3261 KM Oud-Beijerland, Tel. +31/186/621876 or 621828; fax /619092.

Auction catalogue Christie’s Amsterdam - European Ceramics, Dutch Delftware and Glass, auction of 23 November 1999. Dutch tiles including the collection of Mr J.C. Bruigom, lots 78-175. Order from: Christie’s Catalogues, tel. +44/171/389.2820.

Exhibition "The ESKAF Pottery Factory - the Eerste Steenwijkse Kunstaardewerkfabriek", 5.02 - 16.04.2000 in: Keramiekmuseum het Princessehof, Grote Kerkstraat 11, 8911 DZ Leeuwarden. Between 1919 and 1927 the factory was specialized in producing decorative pottery, services, tiles and ornamental pieces. Catalogue available at NLG 39,50. Tel +31/58/212.74.38.

Study JONGSTRA, Jaap - Behoud en conservering van in situ Jugendstil tegels (Salvation and conservation of in situ Jugendstil tiles), examination paper, Amsterdam, May 1998. 49 pp. Order from J. Jongstra, Beatrixstraat 13-D, 8931 DT Leeuwarden.


Magazine Butlletí Informatiu de Ceràmica, n° 66, January-June 1999; a publication of the Associació Catalana de Ceràmica Decorada i Terrissa, Sant Honorat 7, 08002 Barcelona. Joan FELIU FRANCH - 'Historiografia de la ceràmica d’Onda' (Historiography of the Onda ceramics), p.24-27; Albert TELESE I COMPTE - 'Un plafó històric: el setge de Roses de 1645' (A historic tile picture: the siege of Roses in 1645), p.38-43; Joan SANTANACH I SOLER - 'Precisions sobre el color del perfilat en la rajola de mostra barcelonina del segle XVI' (Definitions about the colour of the borders on the Barcelona serial tiles of the 16th c.), p.44-48; Jean COURANJOU - 'Les rajoles "dues faixes verdes" motiu Català o Valencià?' (The tiles "two green stripes". A Catalan or a Valencian motif?), p.49-53. Catalan text. Many other information on tiles and tiles related ceramics, book reviews.
Butlletí Informatiu de Ceràmica, n° 67, July-December 1999. Planned 02/2000. Albert TELESE I COMPTE - 'Interpretació d’un plafó de rajoles representant probablement Sant Salvador d’Horta' (Interpretation of a tile picture probably representing ...).

Booklet MIQUEL, Salvador - La rajola catalana de mostra dibuixada. Includes 25 pages in colour each showing 30 Catalan tiles with naturalistic décor. Information from the above mentioned Associació Catalana de Ceràmica.

Annual Meeting "Trobada de col-leccionistes de rajola Catalana i ceràmica antiga en general", on the Plaça de l’Eglésia in Vallromanes (Vallès Oriental), on May 21, 2000. An organisation of the above mentioned Associació.

Book ARTUCIO URIOSTE, A.- Catálogo de azulejos franceses del siglo XIX hallados en Uruguay, Argentina y Brasil. 1998. 112 pages; 1327 col. ill. ISBN: 9974-39-139-3. Order from: Museo del Azulejo, Cavia 3080, C.P.11.300 Montevideo, Uruguay.


Articles GRÜTTER, Daniel, KELLER, Christine - 'Das Basler Hafnerhandwerk vom Spätmittelalter bis zur Industrialisierung', p.6-14; ELSIG, Patrick - 'Fourneaux en pierre ollaire et poêles à catelles dans l’habitat valaisan sous l’Ancien Régime', p.15-21; ROTH, Eva - 'Ein bernischer Fayence-Kachelofen aus dem Jahr 1518', p.22-32; BRUNNER, Thomas - 'Die Renaissance in der Stube', p.33-41; FRÜH, Margrit - 'Der Jahreslauf in der Steckborner Ofenmalerei', p.42-49; KULLING, Catherine - 'Une famille de fabricants de poêles à Lausanne au 18e siècle: les Pollien', p.50-61; in: Kunst+Architektur in der Schweiz, 1999/2. Order from: Gesellschaft für Schweizerische Kunstgeschichte, Pavillonweg 2, CH-3001 Bern. Tel. +41/31/301.4281, fax -6991. CHF 25,00.

Museum Stiftung Ziegelei-Museum Cham. Visit of the education collection of ca. 5000 roof tiles, bricks and floor tiles decorated with text and ornaments. Information from the Secretariat, Riedstrasse 9, 6330 Cham. Tel +41/41/741.36.24 (P.M).


Catalogues The Tile Heritage Foundation collection of historic tile catalogues. Over 40 second generation copies of original catalogues in the Tile Heratage Foundation are now available from Buckland Books; address : see above.

Organization "Friends of Terra Cotta", c/o Susan Tunick, 771 West End Avenue 10E, New York, NY 10025. Founded to promote education and research in the preservation of architectural terra cotta and related ceramic materials.

The objective of this Bulletin is the exchange of information on all kind of events (publications, exhibitions, lectures, ...) related to the subject of ceramic tiles and tiles related ceramics.
Published twice a year, in February and September.
Please send any useful information to the editor.

Edited by Stichting Vrienden Nederlands Tegelmuseum - European Ceramic Tiles Circle, c/o Caignie Frans, Akkerstraat 3, B-2970 Schilde, Belgium. Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.

The European Ceramic Tiles Circle is not responsible for the correctness of the information.
Prices are for information only and exclusive post & packing costs.
