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Vrienden Nederlands Tegelmuseum



Article VEECKMAN, Johan and DUMORTIER, Claire - 'De voorwerpen in majolica uit een afvalput in het Steen te Antwerpen' (The majolica objects found in a cesspit in the ‘Steen’ in Antwerp), in: Johan VEECKMAN (ed.), BRABOM. Berichten en Rapporten over het Antwerps Bodemonderzoek en Monumentenzorg, 3, Antwerpen, 1999, p. 135-192 (Dutch text with French summary). ISBN 90-802915-3-6. Order: Stad Antwerpen, Ontwikkelingsbedrijf, Archeologie, Godefriduskaai 36, B-2000 Antwerpen. Tel/Fax +32 3 232 92 08. 600 BEF + 100 BEF for postage and packaging.

Conference proceedings The proceedings of the conference "Majolica and Glass: from Italy to Antwerp and beyond - The transfer of technology in the 16th - early 17th century" held in Antwerp, June 3 - 5, 1999 will be published in the course of the year 2000. Copies can already be ordered from : Stad Antwerpen, Ontwikkelingsbedrijf, Archeologie. Address: see above.

Article BAECK, Mario - 'Georges De Geetere (1859-1929), keramist en ontwerper van tegelpanelen bij Boch Frères, La Louvière' (Georges De Geetere, ceramist and designer of tile panels at Boch Frères in La Louvière), in: Hallensia, Bulletin van de Koninklijke Geschied- en Oudheidkundige Kring van Halle, jg. 20, nr. 3-4, juli-december 1998, p. 51-59. Dutch text. One col. ill. in jg. 21, nr. 1, januari-maart 1999, p. 26. 300 BEF + 300 BEF. Order from R. Clement, Williamekaai 15, 1500 Halle.


Conference proceedings GAIMSTER, David (ed.) - Maiolica in the North. The Archaeology of Tin-Glazed Earthenware in North-West Europe c. 1500-1600. British Museum Occasional Paper n°122, June 1999, 194 pages, 17 col. plates, over 90 b/w ill. and over 100 line-drawings. £25.00 + p&p. ISBN 0-86159-122-4. These proceedings of the first international conference on the subject, held in 1997 at the British Museum, discusses the latest archaeological discoveries, documentary research and scientific analysis, charting the arrival of the first Italian maiolicas and the earliest attempts at indigenous production on both sides of the Channel. Of particular interest are the results of the British Museum programme of neutron activation analysis (NAA). Order from: British Museum Press, 46 Bloomsbury Street, London WC1B 3QQ. Tel. +44 171 323 1234. Fax 436 7315.

Newsletter Tiles & Architectural Ceramics Society (TACS), nbr. 46 and 47 : events and news from the Society. For enquiries about membership : TACS, Prof. William Prescott, 38 Church Street, Stony Stratford, Milton Keynes MK11 1BD.

Magazine TACS, Glazed Expressions, nbr. 38, Spring 1999, 12p. Articles on: The ‘Matthew’ tile panels decorated by Rosie Smith - Interviews with prominent British tile manufacturers - The International Tile Company - Delftware tiles in the Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea - Tiles from Rotterdam in John Knox House, Edinburgh - Tiles in Australian cottages - An interview with Joseph Taylor, President of the Tile Heritage Foundation in the US and a summary of Hans van Lemmen & Chris Blanchett’s new book on Twentieth century tiles. TACS address: see above.

Tile Sale Bring, buy, sell or swap tiles on Saturday 2nd October 1999, 1.00-4.30 pm at Arnot Hill House, Arnot Hill Park, Nottingham. After the Sale, enrolled TACS members are welcome to view the tile collection of Michael Blood - about 2000 tiles. An organisation of TACS ; details and enrolment from Michael Blood, Nottingham +44 115 960 8502.

Book list List of Tile Books 1999/2000 - Buckland Books, Holly Tree House, 18 Woodlands Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex, BN17 5PP. Tel/Fax +44 1903 717 648.

Book VAN LEMMEN, Hans and BLANCHETT, Chris - 20th Century Tiles, Shire Publications, is available now. 40pp, 52 col & 38 b/w ill., £ 3,95. The first publication to specifically cover 20th c. tiles in Britain. Order from: Buckland Books.

Book RHODES, Daniel - Clay and glazes for the potter, 2nd revised ed., 1973, reprinted 1996, 331pp, 108b/w & 16 col. ill. A resource book for craft tile makers seeking formulae and information on clays and glazes. Order from Buckland Books.

Book HILDYARD, Robin - European Ceramics, Victoria & Albert Museum, 1999, 144pp, 170 col. & 30 b/w ill. £ 25.00. Includes one double-page spread devoted to tiles, also are on Piccolpasso. Tiles are mentioned at a number of other points in the text. Order from V&A Enterprises, Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL. Tel. +44 171 942 2689 (note new number) .

Museum The Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust intends the full restoration of all surviving buildings of the Jackfield Tile Museum, Shropshire TF8 7AW. The Museum occupies the remains of the Craven Dunnill Encaustic & Decorative tileworks built between 1871 and 1874. The remains are almost complete except the four bottle kilns which were demolished years ago. If the Ironbridge Museum is successful in securing the money, the long-term preservation of this unique site will be assured.


Bulletin Les informations de l'ABRC - Association Bourguignonne de Recherches Céramiques, n° 22 & 23, March & June 99, 6pp & 4pp. Edited by ABRC, rue Dr. Maret 5, 21000 Dijon. Ceramic exhibitions, events, publications in France and abroad.

Restoration Musée Paul Charnoz. Carrelage céramique de Paray-le-Monial, 32 avenue de la Gare, 71600 Paray-le-Monial (Saône-et-Loire). Restoration of the ‘rosace’, a major work of Paul Charnoz that was shown at the International exhibition of Paris in 1900. This pavement of 12,5 meter diameter, consisting of stoneware tiles 17,5 x 17,5 cm with inlaid coloured design, will be revealed to the public at its centenary in 2000. Further information from the Museum.

Exhibition "L’Art de la Terre Vernissée, du Moyen-Age à l’an 2000", October 2, 1999 until January 10, 2000, in: Museé National de Céramique, Place de la Manufacture, 92310 Sèvres. Exhibition catalog available.


Study JOLIET, Wilhelm - Rotterdammer Wandfliesen in der Pagodenburg im Schlosspark von Nymphenburg zu München. Königswinter 1999, 40pp, fully illustrated b&w, German text. Order from W. Joliet, Kelvinstrasse 2, D-53639 Königswinter.A short history of Pagodenburg and a description of the tile decoration in the tea-room, the bay window and the staircase.

Exhibition "Biblische Geschichten in Delfter Blau, Niederländische Bibelfliesen von 1650 bis 1850", September 19 until October 30, 1999, in: Marienkirche, Osnabrück.

Catalogue TIEDEMANN, Klaus - catalogue for the above mentioned exhibition in Osnabrück, German text, 48pp, 34 col. ill. DM 10,- + postage DM 3,-. Order from Mr. Voß, Kirchengemeinde Sankt Marien, Marienstr. 13/14, 49074 Osnabrück.

Museum Ofen- und Keramikmuseum under the roof of the factory A. Schmidt, Lehmann & Co. GmbH, Wilhelmstraße 32, 16727 Velten. Tel. +48/3304/31760, Fax /505887. Please make prior arrangement by telephone.
Stoves, 18-20th century. Glazed tiles, 16-20th century. An exhibition on 18-20th century tiles is planned for November 1999.


Book Storia della ceramica di Montelupo, Volume terzo: Ceramiche da farmacia, pavimenti maiolicati, plastiche, manufatti minori e terrecotte, planned November 1999, 400pp. Order at: Aedo s.r.l., Via A. Gramsci 12, 50056, Montelupo Fiorentino (Fi), tel. +39 571 51060, fax -51506. The work is the result of twenty four years of archeological, archive and historical research conducted and co-ordinated by Dr. Fausto Berti, director of the Museo Archeologico e della Ceramica di Montelupo.

The Netherlands

Exhibitions 1) "The collection Dingeman Korf": until Spring 2000, 2) "Bloemen in een Monument" (Flowers in a monument), flower and bird tiles after prints of Collaert and de Bruyn: September 11 - November 1, 1999, 3) "Oosterse invloed op Europese tegels" (Oriental influences on European tiles): September 25, 1999 - January 10, 2000, in: Het Nederlands Tegelmuseum, Eikenzoom 12, 6731 BH Otterlo. Tel. +31 318 591519, Fax 592000.

Annual meeting The Stichting Vrienden van het Nederlands Tegelmuseum (Association of Friends of the Dutch Tile Museum) has its annual meeting on Saturday 25 September 1999 at 10.00 am, in restaurant "De Waldhoorn", Dorpstraat 2, Otterlo. Lectures in Dutch by Drs. Dineke Huizenga (Ceramics and tiles in the Middle-East and Central-Asia), Dr. Hans Theunissen (Ottomanian tiles and ceramics and European imitations ‘alla turca’) and F. Mayenburg (A collector tells about his own tile collection). After the lectures, a visit is planned of the above mentioned exhibitions in Het Nederlands Tegelmuseum.

Annual Stichting Vrienden van het Nederlands Tegelmuseum: TEGEL 27, September 1999, 68 pages, Dutch + English summary. 1) 'Arabesques from Herkenrode' (Piet Swimberghe), 2) 'Tiles from The Vyne Chapel' (Chris Blanchett), 3) 'Beautiful caps' (Lida Brouwer-Brand), 4) 'Cocks and parrots on flower vase tiles' (Wilhelm Joliet), 5) 'Bible tiles in Jakarta' (Hans Bonke), 6) 'Corner carnations ornament' (Hans-Jürgen Heger, Jan Pluis), 7) 'Prints and tiles' (Arend-Jan Gierveld), 8) 'Restoration transplantation' (J.J. van der Eyk), 9) 'Jugendstil tiles made in De Distel, Amsterdam', part 2 (Karel Nijkerk), Bibliography 1.07.1998 - 1.07.1999. NLG 15,-. Order at: Het Nederlands Tegelmuseum, address : see above.

Internet The Internet site Tiles on the Web on which this Bulletin resides has moved to http://www.tiles.org

Auction Van Sabben Tile Auctions, Ooststraat 32, 3261 KM Oud-Beijerland. Auction of ca 800 lots antique and Art Nouveau tiles on Saturday, September 11th 1999, 1:00 pm; on view from August 21st up to and including September 11th, every day from 10:00 until 17:00. Auctioning exclusively via written bids under notarial supervision. Tel. +31-186-621876, fax -619092.

Publication Berge, J.H. van den - Wandtegels in het land van Hulst. Overdruk uit Jaarboek 1997/1998 van de Oudheidkundige Kring "De Vier Ambachten", Hulst, p.115-212, 112 ill.

Exhibition "Delfts’ uit de provincie. Aardewerk uit Hollandse tegelfabrieken", September 2, 1999 - January 9, 2000, in : Museum Willet-Holthuysen, Herengracht 605, Amsterdam in co-operation with the Rijksmuseum of Amsterdam.


Exhibitions In 2000 in Museu Nacional do Azulejo, Rua da Madre de Deus 4, 1900 Lisbon. 1) "Real Fábrica do Rato, Lisboa 1767 - 1820" (the manufacture of Rato, Lisbon), 2) "Escultura de terracota em Portugal" (Portuguese Terra-Cotta Sculpture), 3) "Fontes iconográficas do azulejo português" (Portuguese tiles : iconographic sources). All these exhibitions will have catalogues.

Publication Figures et personages: une histoire en céramique. L’Azulejo au Portugal du XVe au XXe siècle, Lisbon, IPM, 1998, 48pp, illustrated.

Magazine Azulejo, n° 3, Lisboa, MNA (1993-1998). Order at the Museu Nacional do Azulejo.


CD Rom "BIHCE - Bibliografia Historica de la Cerámica Española 1988-1993", containing the references of 45 publications on tile and architectural ceramics published between 1988 and 1993. Order: Asociácion de Ceramologia, c/ Tevleria 12, 03698 Agost-Alicante. Fax +34 96 351 35 12.

Museum Museu Nacional de Cerámica, Poeta Querol, 2 46002 Valencia. Opening in March 1999 of new ceramic rooms, containing over 500 tiles and architectural ceramics. Tel. +34 96 351 63 92, fax 351 35 12.

Magazine Butlletí Informatiu de Ceràmica, n° 64-65, July-December 1998; a publication of the Associació Catalana de Ceràmica Decorada i Terrissa, Sant Honorat 7, 08002 Barcelona. Joan SANTANACH I SOLER - Una rajola Barcelonina en format gran que evidencia una sèrie de la primera policromia, p.41-47; Jean COURANJOU - La rajola Catalana (i Valenciana) "Rocalla amb tres flors", p.48-51. Many other information on tiles and tiles related ceramics; panorama; book reviews.


Exhibition "Poems in clay : Arthur Osborne’s ‘Plastic sketches’ for the low art tile works", showcases the decorative, low-relief, sculptural clay images produced as art objects in the 1880’s, at the Erie Art Museum, 411 State str, Erie PA, Oct 20, 1999 - March 5, 2000.

Symposium "Tiles of Erie : Preservation and Possibilities", Oct 20-23, 1999, present by the Tile Heritage Foundation. Erie, PA. Lectures, Tours, Workshops, Demonstrations and a Sale of antique and contemporary tiles, Oct 23rd.

Magazine Tile Heritage. Tile Heritage Foundation, P.O. Box 1850, Healdsburg CA 95448.

Newsletter Flash Point.

The objective of this Bulletin is the exchange of information on all kind of events (publications, exhibitions, lectures, ...) related to the subject of ceramic tiles and tiles related ceramics.
Published twice a year, in February and September.
Please send any useful information to the editor.

Edited by Stichting Vrienden Nederlands Tegelmuseum - European Ceramic Tiles Circle, c/o Caignie Frans, Akkerstraat 3, B-2970 Schilde, Belgium. Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.

The European Ceramic Tiles Circle is not responsible for the correctness of the information.
Prices are for information only and exclusive post & packing costs.
