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Vrienden Nederlands Tegelmuseum


The Organisation of Friends of the Dutch Tile Museum has the pleasure to announce the availability of the second edition of The Dutch Tile, designs and names 1570-1930, written by Jan Pluis, conceived by a committee of the Dutch Tile Museum and its Friends Organisation (see order details under the Netherlands).


International Conference "Majolica and Glass: from Italy to Antwerp and beyond - The transfer of technology in the 16th - early 17th century", June 3 - 5, 1999 in Kolveniershof, Kolveniersstraat 20, Antwerp. Over twenty lectures on production and use of majolica and glass in the most important European production centres and countries (Antwerp, the Netherlands, France, England, Italy ...). Lectures by renowned specialists, equally spread over majolica and glass and over the three conference days. Information on hotel accommodation available. Subscription by payment of 1800 Bef before May 15. For further information and conference folder : Stad Antwerpen, Afdeling Archeologie, Godefriduskaai 36, B-2000 Antwerp. Tel/Fax +32 3 232 92 08.

Article BAECK, Mario en LEJON, Hugo - 'De vloertegelfabriek Emmanuel Rottiers te Tisselt-Willebroek in de context van de Belgische cementtegelindustrie' (the floor-tile manufacturing company of Emmanuel Rottiers at Tisselt-Willebroek in the context of the Belgian cement tile industry), in : Monumenten & Landschappen, 17/6, November-December 1998, p.23-54, ISSN 0770-4948, col. ill., Dutch. Traces the history of the cement industry in Europe and Belgium and the development of the production of the cement tile. Follows a summary of some main cement tile manufactures in Belgium, starting in Ghent around 1840. We then make a walk through the Rottiers company (1920-1939) which is nearly left intact since it was abandoned in 1939. Order from: Monumenten en Landschappen, E.Jacqmainlaan 156 bus 7, 1000 Brussel, Fax +32 2 553.82.05. Bef 250,-.

Catalogue PAUWELS, A.G. - Keramiek 2, 1999, Kortrijk, 192 pages, 301 collection items, 200 col.ill. Order from : Stedelijke Musea Kortrijk, Broelkaai 4, 8500 Kortrijk, Fax +32/56/25.97.33. This catalogue covers the ceramics, including ± 40 tiles, acquired by the Museum since the edition (1981) of Keramiek 1. The base collection of about 325 tiles was fully described in Keramiek 1, which is still available. Keramiek 1: Bef 750; Keramiek 2: Bef 600; both 1 & 2: Bef 1200; Bef 150 P&P cost/book.


Book VAN LEMMEN, Hans and VERBRUGGE, Bart - Art Nouveau Tiles, Laurence King, 224 pages, 200 colour ill., expected September 1999. English; also Dutch, German and French editions. The book traces the tile work by British artists such as William Morris and William De Morgan, and surveys in detail Art Nouveau tiles in Belgium, France, Germany, Holland, Austria, Czechoslovakia and Hungary with separate chapters on Spain, Portugal and the United States.

Book VAN LEMMEN, Hans and BLANCHETT, Chris - 20th Century Tiles, Shire Pubns, due February 1999. Provisional information : 64 pages, 40 col/40 b&w ill., £ 3,95. The first publication to specifically cover 20th c. tiles in Britain. Order from: Buckland Books, Holly Tree House, 18 Woodlands Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex, BN17 5PP. Tel./Fax +44 1903 717 648.

Newsletter Tiles & Architectural Ceramics Society (TACS), nbr. 45 (Winter 1998) : events and news from the Society. For enquiries about membership : TACS, Prof. William Prescott, 38 Church Street, Stony Stratford, Milton Keynes MK11 1BD.

Magazine TACS, Glazed Expressions, nbr. 37, Autumn 1998, 12p. Articles on: the Liebermann tiles, produced after 1955 in Johannesburg - Max Laeuger (1864-1952), a German ceramic artist and designer - Interviews with prominent British tile manufacturers - Tips for storing, cleaning, mending, mounting and photographing tiles in the Collector’s Corner - A visit of Gaudi’s Park Güell in Barcelona - The tessellated tiles at the Royal Porcelain Works, Rochester. TACS address: see above.

Journal Journal of the Tiles & Architectural Ceramics Society, edited by Hans van Lemmen, volume 7, 1998, 36 p. Articles on: an account of the tiled floor of the Wedding Pavilion in the Mysore Palace, Karnataka State, India - the theories on use of colourful ceramics of architect Halsey Ralph Ricardo (1854-1928) - a special series of Ravesteijn Delftware tiles made for export to Britain - chemical analyses of Dutch tiles from the castles of Marly, Rochechouart and Labbeville - Anglo-Dutch tiles in the Carshalton water tower tiled bath - on the applications of science to the fine and useful arts. TACS address : see above.

Tile collection Ashmolean Museum, Beaumont street, Oxford OX1 2PH. A study day was organised on November 24, 1998 on the occasion of a special exhibition ‘Tiles from East and West’ exploring the cross-cultural splendours of the Ashmolean’s tile collections with lectures on tiles of five different periods. Tel +44 1865-278 015/Fax -288 192. (Info received too late.)

Bulletin Transactions, annual of the English Ceramic Circle, c/o Tom G. Walford, Prospect House 50, North Hill Highgate N6 4RH. Over the last editions, several articles have been published on Liverpool tiles and some other tile subjects.


Bulletin Les informations de l'ABRC - Association Bourguignonne de Recherches Céramiques, n° 21, October 1998, 4 pages. Edited by ABRC, rue Dr. Maret 5, 21000 Dijon. Ceramic exhibitions, events , publications in France and abroad.

Article ROSEN, Jean - 'Un carreau problématique en faïence de réverbère marqué "Voisinlieu"' (a problematic enamelled tile, stamped "Voisinlieu"), in: Groupe de Recherches et d’Etudes de la Céramique du Beauvaisis, Bulletin n° 20, 1998, pp. 91-97. A 115 mm square tile, clearly part of a tile picture, difficult to determine. G.R.E.C.B., 8 Avenue Victor Hugo, 60000 Beauvais.

Tour Guided bus tour through Paris looking for architectural ceramics, October 3, 1999. Information from G.R.E.C.B.

Internet http://www.ceramique.com - a site that collects a lot of information related to ceramics in France and abroad.

Colloquium report Stove ceramics, Colloquium held in Montbéliard, March 1995, 256 pages, ± 250 FF. Information: UMR 5594, Faculté des Sciences, 6 boulevard Gabriel, 21000 Dijon, Tel. +33 3 80 39 57 97. About 15 articles contributing to the know-how of this specific type of ceramics, which study is in full development.

Exhibition "Salon International de la Céramique de Collection et des Arts du Feu", September 29 - October 3, 1999 in Hôtel Dassault, 7 Rond-Point des Champs-Elysées, 75008 Paris. Conference cycle and thematic exposition. Catalogue available in 09/1999. Information : Association des spécialistes de la céramique de collection, Tel. +33 1 4548 4653, fax +33 1 4284 0980.


Tile Museum Opening of the first German tile museum "Fliesenmuseum Boizenburg e.V." on October 10, 1998. Address : Reichenstrasse 4, 19258 Boizenburg (to the east of Hamburg). Tel/Fax 038844-21430.A leaflet is available on request.

Article PETRICONI, Renate - 'Der portugiesische Maler Jorge Colaço unter besonderer Berücksichtigung seiner Fliesenbilder im Jugendstil' (the Portuguese painter Jorge Colaço with special attention to his tile pictures in jugendstil), in: Keramos, 162, October 1998, pp. 85-112, 50 col ill. An overview of the Jugendstil tile pictures painted by Jorge Colaço (1868-1942) in the period 1904-1930 for a.o. the Palácio-Hotel in Buçaco, different railway stations in Portugal, church façades in Porto and a private house in Monte Estoril; details of tile picture borders. Order from: Keramos, Körnerstrasse 21, 63067 Offenbach/Main.

Study JOLIET, Wilhelm - Druckgraphik und Fliese. Zwölf Kupferstiche nach Entwürfen von Jacopo Amigoni und Giuseppe Zocchi (Engraving and Tile. Twelve engravings made after designs from J.Amigoni and G.Zocchi), 1998, 76 pages, fully illustrated b&w, German with Dutch summaries. Order from W. Joliet, Kelvinstrasse 2, D-53639 Königswinter. A series of twelve engravings with images of the Old Testament was edited in 1764 by Joseph Wagner in Venice. Nine of them have been used as example for tile pictures from the manufacture of Aalmis, Rotterdam and Tichelaar, Makkum.

Study JOLIET, Wilhelm - Prent en Tegel. Ruitertableaus uit slot Ayeneux, Ein bedeutendes Ensemble von Fliesentableaus ausgefürt durch Jan Aalmis, Rotterdam (Engraving and Tile. Horseman tile pictures in castle Ayeneux, an important Series of tile pictures made by J. Aalmis, Rotterdam), 1998, 8 p. text, 25 p. ill. b&w, German. Order from W. Joliet, Kelvinstrasse 2, D-53639 Königswinter. Tile pictures of Louis XV, Maria Leckzinsky, empress Maria Theresia, Frans I, William Duke of Cumberland, Princes and Princesses of Oranje, with reference to the corresponding engravings.

The Netherlands

Book PLUIS, Jan - De Nederlandse Tegel, decors en benamingen 1570-1930 / The Dutch Tile, designs and names 1570-1930, Leiden, 1998, second edition, 696 p., 2600 b&w ph., 134 colour illus. This book will be of great value to everyone - from the humble collector to the great museum - who is interested in Dutch Delftware tiles and an indispensable aid for cataloguing its tile collection. Order from : Primavera Pers, Burggravenlaan 7, 2313 HM Leiden; tel. +31-71-514.4482, fax .4372. NLG 140,-.

Article BIESBOER, Pieter - 'Een onbekende ruiter' (an unknown horseman), in: Tableau, vol. 21/2, November 1998, pp.51-54. Four tiles, depicting a horseman, were found in the cellar of a 17th c. house on the Burgwal in Haarlem. Several elements lead to the conclusion that Hans Barnaertsz. Vierleger, who worked in Haarlem in the early 17th C., was most probably the maker.

Article HOEKSTRA, D. and HAITSMA, H. - 'Wel en wee van een unieke tegelkamer uit Workum, een derde leven voor een tweehonderdjarige', in: Fryslân, n° 3, October 1998, 2 pp., 3 ill. Describes the return to Workum of a tiled interior in Louis XVI style, moved for the third time. Describes the tile pictures and the moving problems, now and in the past.

Catalogue LANDZAAT, F.H. - Westraven, Schalkwijk, 1998, 28 pages, 19 ill. The brochure was edited at the occasion of the outline exhibition in 1998 on the faience and tile manufacture Westraven (1661-1995). NLG 10,-

Article GIERVELD, Arend Jan - 'Tegels op Walcheren, de betegeling van het hof van Zeeland in de 17de eeuw' (tiles on the Isle of Walcheren, the tiled walls of the Zeeland house in the 17th century), Middelburg, 1998, 48 pages, 55 ill., NLG 15,-


Magazine Butlletí Informatiu de Ceràmica, n° 63, January-June 1998; a publication of the Associació Catalana de Ceràmica Decorada i Terrissa, Sant Honorat 7, 08002 Barcelona. Articles on: 'Six types of tiles in can Pradell (1842-1850) in Vallgor-guina' - 'A polychrome flowered plate with an identical decoration motif as a "rajola D’oficis" de tanca Blava' - 'Neapolitan copies of two Catalan tiles'. Many other valuable information on tiles and tiles related ceramics: panorama and book reviews.


Book CIMOK, Fatih - The book of Rüstem Pasa tiles, A Turizm Yayinlari, Turkey, 1998, 63 pages, 55 col. ill. A detailed study of the famous tiles in the Rüstem Pasa Mosque in Istanbul. Order from Buckland Books (address: see England), £ 18,-.


Tile picture Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. On permanent exhibition "The battle of Ramillies", ca. 1800, made by De Bloempot, Rotterdam. A battle scene comprising 400 manganese-purple tiles. Near this battle scene are displayed a large variety of 17th c. Fruit and Flower tiles as well as geometric tiles and a collection of 18th c. Biblical tiles.

Book SABO, Rioletta & PALCATO, Jorge Nuno - Portuguese Decorative Tiles, Azulejos, Abbeville Press, USA, 1998, 216 pages, 217 col. ill. A study of tiles in situ in Portuguese architecture. A short introduction outlines the history of the Azulejo and an appendix describes each of the buildings covered in detail. Order from Buckland Books (address: see England), £ 35,-.

Book VAN HOOK, Stephen J - Discovering Dutch Delftware, modern Delft and Makkum pottery, Glen Park Press, USA, 1998, 144 pages, 46 col./145 b&w ill. + 160 pottery marks, paperback. Looks specifically at 20th c. pottery and tiles. More pottery than tiles (± 40 ill.). Marks will assist in the identification of modern Dutch tiles. Order from Buckland Books. £ 17.50

The objective of this Bulletin is the exchange of information on all kind of events (publications, exhibitions, lectures, ...) related to the subject of ceramic tiles and tiles related ceramics.
Published twice a year, in February and September.
Please send any useful information to the editor.

Edited by Stichting Vrienden Nederlands Tegelmuseum - European Ceramic Tiles Circle, c/o Caignie Frans, Akkerstraat 3, B-2970 Schilde, Belgium. Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.

The European Ceramic Tiles Circle is not responsible for the correctness of the information.
Prices are for information only and exclusive post & packing costs.
