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Vrienden Nederlands Tegelmuseum



Article DUMORTIER, Claire - 'Antwerpse zalfpotten in de Koninklijke Musea voor Kunst en Geschiedenis te Brussel', in: BRABOM, Berichten en Rapporten over het Antwerps Bodemonderzoek en Monumentenzorg, n° 1, p.119-124, Stad Antwerpen, 1996 (Antwerp gallipots in the Royal Museum of Art and History, Brussels).

Article DUMORTIER, Claire & VEECKMAN, Johan - 'Un four de majoliques en activité à Anvers vers 1560', in: Bulletin des Musées Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire, vol. 65, 1994, p. 163-217 (A majolica kiln in operation in Antwerp, ca. 1560).

Museum Roelantsmuseum, located in the "Abdij van Hemiksem"; open April 1 - September 30, saturday & sunday, 14.00- 17.00: tile pictures of Joseph Roelants (1881-1962) and others, working in the "s.a. Manufactures Céramiques d'Hémixem, Gilliot et Cie"; info at: Gemeentebestuur Hemiksem, Mrs Danny De Jonghe, Gemeenteplaats 1, 2620 Hemiksem.

Correction the publication of M. Baeck and B. Verbrugge, mentioned in Bulletin n° 3 is a book, 224 pp, 400 colour ill., 1350 BEF; order at: Monumenten en Landschappen, Pers & Voorlichting, Zandstraat 3, 1000 Brussel, Fax 32 2 209.27.05.


Book Architectural Ceramics: their History, Manufacture and Conservation. This book, which followed a joint symposium of English Heritage and the United Kingdom Institute for Conservation held at the Ironbridge Gorge Museum in 1994, includes papers by noted experts from around the world on new developments and state of the art practice in the conservation of architectural terracotta, Coade Stone, floor tiles and faience. 128pp, 246x188mm paperback, £ 25.00 + postage. Order at: Buckland Books, Buckland Common, Tring, Herts HP23 6NJ; tel/fax: +44 1494 758 687.

Catalogue Minton Tiles, Selected patterns of enamelled tiles for walls, hearths, fire places, furniture, flower boxes, etc., 1996, 8 pages of text & b&w ill. + 24 full page colour plates. Order at Buckland Books: £ 9,00 + postage cost.

Book BARRY, Michael - Colour and Symbolism in Islamic Architecture, eight centuries of the Tile-Maker's Art; 1996, 316pp, 158 colour illustrations. Order at Buckland Books: £48,00 + postage.

Book VAN LEMMEN, Hans - Delftware Tiles, Calmann & King, London; autumn 1997, 224 pages, 190 colour ill., english; also dutch, french and american editions planned.

Newsletter Tiles and Architectural Ceramics Society (TACS), nbr. 36 (August 1996), nbr. 37 (December 1996).

Magazine Glazed Expressions, nbr. 33, autumn 1996, edited by TACS, 12pp. Amongst others, articles on: a South African Ceramics enterprise; A. Maw; the decline of Maw & Co.; English moulds for relief tiles in Portugal; biblical scenes on Dutch wall tiles; a tile factory in central Asia. Subscribe at: K. Huggins, Reabrook Lodge, Sutton Road 8, Shrewsbury SY2 6DD.

Catalogue ARCHER, Michael - Catalogue of British Delftware in the Victoria & Albert Museum, London, spring 1997.

Catalogue William Morris, catalogue of the Victoria & Albert Museum, 1996, edited by L. Porry, published by Ph. Wilson.


Bulletin Les informations de l'ABRC - Association Bourguignonne de Recherches Céramiques, n 15, Septembre 1996, rue Dr Maret 5, 21000 Dijon.

Study ABEL, Véronique - L'histoire est le témoin de l'art, 12pp, a study of the 1740 tile fragments excavated in Saint- Jean-du-Désert (Marseille), dated 1st half of 18th c. Order at: Le Gros Oustaou, 4 chemin des Bellons, La treille, 13011 Marseille.

Book LAHAUSSOIS, C. & PANNEQUIN, B. - Terres Vernissées: sources et traditions; Ed. Massin, 1996, 135pp; order at: Musée National de Céramique, Pl. de la Manufacture, 92310 Sèvres (Enamelled earthenware: source material & traditions).

Acquisition by G.R.E.C.B., Avenue Victor Hugo 8, 60000 Beauvais of a catalogue (ca.1900) of tiles with inlaid designs of the factory Simons & Cie in CATEAU (Nord), 39 colour plates.

Tile Factory Opened in 1995 in 77160 PROVINS, producing medieval tiles with inlaid designs. (information: G.R.E.C.B.)

Catalogue FOUCHET, Nelly - L'Argus des Ventes aux Enchères: Céramique n° 1, Auction sale results from 09.94 to 09.96, 384pp, 2000 ill., english-french, ISBN: 2-909876-12-8. (Valentine's Auction Sale Price: European Ceramics, ISBN: 2-909876-13-6).


Book JOLIET, Wilhelm - Die Geschichte der Fliese; 247pp, 381 colour ill. Order at: BDK Bücherdienst Gmbh, Kölner Strasse 248, 51149 Köln; 128 DM + postage (The history of tiles).

Catalogue Auf Ton gemalt, Niederländische Fliesen aus der Sammlung Drechsel (Painted on clay, Dutch tiles in the collection Drechsel). Katalog der Museen in Schleswig-Holstein 29. Exposition set up in 5 museums in Schleswig- Holstein, August 96 until spring 97; 60pp, 27 b&w, 12 col. ill.. PLUIS, Jan - Niederländische Fliesen in Norddeutschland (p. 8-27).

Museum Fliesenmuseum e.V., Reichenstraße 4, 19258 Boizenburg; first tile museum in Germany; opened in 1995. Objective is the collection and exhibition of German tiles of the 19th and 20th century; also other periods and origins.


Catalogues FAUSTO, Berti - 1) La Farmacia di Santa Maria Novella, 16pp., 1994; 2) Le Ceramiche della Farmacia di San Marco, 20pp., 1995; 3) Le Ceramiche della Farmacia di Santa Fina di San Gimignano, 32pp., 1996; italian. Order at: Museo Archeologico e della Ceramica di Montelupo, Via Bartolomeo Sinibaldi 45, 50056 Montelupo Fiorentino (FI).

Folder Museo Montelupo - Arts in time. Comprehensive description of the history of ceramics in the Montelupo area. English, 12pp. Order at the Museum, tel. 0571-51352, fax 0571-51506.

Festa Festa internazionale della Ceramica: organised each year at Montelupo, in June.

Book FAUSTO, Berti - Antiche maioliche di Montelupo, secoli XIV-XVIII, 112pp., Italian. Order at the Museum.

The Netherlands

Book De Nederlandse Tegel - decors en benamingen 1570-1930 / The Dutch Tile - designs and names 1570-1930; edited by Stichting Vrienden van het Nederlands Tegelmuseum, Stichting Nederlands Tegelmuseum and Primavera Pers; Leiden, ca. 680 pages, 2600 b&w ph., 134 colour illus., 135,- NLG(115,- until June 1, 1997) + postage. Planned: June 1997. Order at: Primavera Pers, Burggravenlaan 7, 2313 HM Leiden; tel. 31 71 514.4482, fax .4372. ISBN 90- 74310-26-5.

Exhibitions Nederlands Tegelmuseum, Eikenzoom 12, 6731 BH Otterlo: 1) "Dutch fisher ports in 1900 on tile pictures", until 08.06.1997; 2) "Ex-libris collection from Prague", 16.06 - 10.08.1997; 3) "Fleurig 1997", 30.07 - 14.08.1997; 4) "Highlights of the Jugendstil-period", organised by the Stichting Vrienden van het Nederlands Tegelmuseum, 30.08 - 02.11.1997; 5) "the Collection Dingeman Korf", 22.11.1997 -26.04.1998.

Collection Reopening (11.1996) of the annex "De dubbelde Palmboom" in the Historisch Museum, Voorhaven 12, 3024 RM Rotterdam. On the first floor, the tile history of Rotterdam will be illustrated on the basis of tiles, tile panels and important tile pictures of Bouwmeester, Valkenhof and Aalmis, e.g. "Uit duijzent vreesen". The period covered is 1600 to 1800 and demonstrates a wide spectrum of the Rotterdam production.


Association Grupo dos Amigos do Museu Nacional do Azulejo (M.N. do A.) (Association of Friends of the National Museum of Tiles), Rua da Madre de Deus 4, 1900 Lissabon.

Book BURLAMAQUI, Suraya - Cerâmica mural portuguesa contemporânea, Lissabon, 1996.

Book BARROS VELOSO, A.J. - I almasqué, historia e azulejos, Lissabon, 1996.

Exhibition "Cerâmica neo clássica en Portugal", M.N. do A., Lissabon, March - June 1997; exhibition catalogue available.

Exhibition catalogues 1) Azulejos do Porto, Porto, 1996; 2) Cerâmica espannola, dos A'rabes a Miro, M.N. do A., Lissabon, 1996; 3) Un Eclat Portugais, l'art de l'azulejo, Paris, 1996; organised by the M.N. do A. of Lissabon.

Article 'Painel de azulejo no aerporto Macau', in: Cerâmicas, n 23, p. 42-50.

Magazine Azulejo, n 3-4-5, 1997, edited by the Museu Nacional do Azulejo, Lissabon.


Report Reports of the Conference "Russian tiles", Colomenskoe, April 15-16, 1993, Moscow 1993: a) Problems in the studying of Russian tiles, b) Collections of tiles in the Museums, c) Restoration of tiles; russian. Order at: L. Dorofeeva, Curator, Menshikov Palace, Universitetskaya emb. 15, St. Petersburg, 199034 Russia.

Article MIHAILOVA, O. - 'On the development of tile manufactures in Russia and connections between Dutch and Russian tiles manufactures'; russian; in: Applied Art in Western Europe and in Russia, Leningrad 1993; order at: L. Dorofeeva.


Collection South African Cultural History Museum, 49 Adderley Street, Cape Town 8001 or P.O. Box 645, Cape Town 8000. W. van Vliet Collection of Dutch tiles dating from the late 16th century to the 18th century. A small part of this collection is currently on display in the Ceramics Gallery of the Museum, with the rest being kept in storage. The tiles in storage can be viewed by arrangement with the curator, Mrs E. Esmyol at tel. 021-461 8280 or fax 021-461 9592.


Meeting Annual Meeting in Vallromanes "Trobada de Vallromanes" in May; traditional tiles and pots exhibition, exchange & sale.

Bulletin Butlletí Informatiu de Ceràmica, three-monthly or half-yearly publication of the Associació Catalana de Ceràmica Decorada i Terrissa, Sant Honorat 7, 08002 Barcelona. Articles on tiles in each issue.

Bibliography Historica de la ceramica Española (1988-1993), by Jaume Coll Conesa & Josep Perez Camps, edited by Asociación de Ceramologia, c/ Tevleria 12, 03698 Agost-Alicante. 1540 references; 116 on tiles & architectural ceramics.

Report XI Congreso de conservación y restauración de bienes culturales, Castellón, 3-6 October 1996. Articles on the restoration and conservation of ceramics and tiles. Information: Jaume Coll Conesa, Curator of Museo Nacional de Cerámica, Poeta Querol 2, 46002 Valencia, and President of the Asociacion de Ceramologia, Agost-Alicante.


Conference "L'art des carreaux de faïence au Portugal", Musée Ariane, Genève, 18-02-1997, by the director of the Museu Nacional do Azulejo of Lissabon.


Collection The Holland Museum, 31 West 10th Street, Holland, Michigan 49423: Tiles from ±1550 to ±1950. 16th c. German green-glaze stove tiles. Dutch tiles after 1600, including fireplace tiles collected by Cincinnati/Ohio artist John Rettig in Volendam. 20th c. Dutch tiles: tile pictures by Piet Senf, Porcelaine Fles ±1925; individual tiles by Tegelen-Tigla, Limburg ±1947; Westraven, Utrecht ±1953. Three exhibit areas with tiles; 600 tiles in storage. Tel. 616.394.1362, fax .4756.

Collection Philadelphia Museum of Art, Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Box 7646, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19101-7646. Permanently on view: Dutch tiles 16th, 17th & 18th c. in the northern staircase of the Museum (1995) and Dutch tiles 16th & 17th c. and tile picture on the ground floor of the Museum.

Museum on Internet Visit the Zsolnay Tile Museum at http://www.drawrm.com/ztilemus.htm - over 20 Zsolnay tiles from Budapest, Hungary, created by Federico Santi, Curator.

Tour Tile Heritage Foundation, P.O. Box 50608, Santa Barbara, CA 93150 organizes a trip to England for anyone interested in tiles, history and decorative arts. May 6-18, 1997. Tour leaders: Joseph Taylor (THF) & Chris Blanchett (TACS). Information: tel (805) 969-9665, fax -7886.

The objective of this Bulletin is the exchange of information on all kind of events (publications, exhibitions, lectures, ...) related to the subject of ceramic tiles and tiles related ceramics.
Published twice a year, in February and September.
Please send any useful information to the editor.

Edited by Stichting Vrienden Nederlands Tegelmuseum - European Ceramic Tiles Circle, c/o Caignie Frans, Akkerstraat 3, B-2970 Schilde, Belgium. Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.

The European Ceramic Tiles Circle is not responsible for the correctness of the information.
Prices are for information only and exclusive post & packing costs.
