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Vrienden Nederlands Tegelmuseum




Stamp Special stamp issue with a detail of the tile-panel "The conversion of St. Paul" (1547): 17-18.02.1996. Museum Vleeshuis, Vleeshouwerstraat 38-40, 2000 Antwerp.

Catalogue PAUWELS, A.G. - Majolica, 1994. (Description of 258 fragments), 212 pages. (orders to: Stedelijke Musea Kortrijk, Broelkaai 4, 8500 Kortrijk).

Collection Stedelijke Musea Kortrijk (see above): permanent exhibition of selection of international ceramics, including 5 showcases with tiles and 2 tile pictures.


Collection Nationalmuseet, Frederiksholms Kanal 12, 1220 Copenhagen: permanent on view, a selection of Danish Medieval floor tiles.


Centenary 1996 is the centenary of William Morris (1896-1996); there will be two exhibitions in London celebrating this event.

Exhibition "William Morris's work" (including tiles) in: Victoria and Albert Museum, London; 9 May - 1 September 1996. An illustrated catalogue will be available.

Exhibition "Special exhibition on William Morris tiles", in: William Morris Gallery, Walthamstow, London; 14 September - 7 December 1996.

Book MYERS, Richard - book on William Morris Tiles; planned 09.96.

Collection Extensive collection of British Victorian decorative tiles, including a number of pictorial panels rescued from hospitals; displays within an almost complete Victorian tile factory built between 1871-74; Jackfield Tile Museum, part of the Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust; further details 01952-882030.


Book ROSEN, Jean - La Faïence en France du XIVe au XIXe siècle, Histoire et Technique. Editions Errance, 216 pages, 22x24 cm, 24 color & 96 b&w. photos, sewed, 195 FF. (orders to: Epona, 7 rue Jean-du-Bellay, 75004 Paris.)

Catalogue Petits Carrés d'Histoire (pavements et revêtements mureaux dans le midi méditerranéen du Moyen Age à l'époque moderne), catalogue of exhibition in Palais des Papes, Avignon, 20.10.95-14.01.96. (orders to: Comptoir culturel du Palais des Papes, RMG, 6 rue Pente rapide, BP 149, 84008 Avignon.

Bulletin Les Informations de l'ABRC (Association Bourguignone de Recherches Céramiques), n°12 (October 1995), 4 pages. (subscriptions at: Musée Archéologique de Dijon, 5 rue Dr Maret, 21000 Dijon).

Museum Opening of the "Musée Paul Charnoz", 32 avenue de la Gare - 71600 Paray-le Monial, in a tile manufacture (Association pour la conservation et la promotion du carrelage céramique de Paray-le Monial.

Book MAILLARD, Anne - La céramique architecturale 1880-1930: Paris, Normandie, Beauvaisis, 1995, 72 pp.; Editions SEPTIMA, 14 rue Falguière, 75015 Paris.


Book NAUMANN, Joachim - Keramik aus 8000 Jahren, 1994. Re-edited by Hetjens-Museum, Schulstraße 4, 40213 Düsseldorf. Deutscher Kunstverlag München.

Collection Tile cupola: seven of the original twelve-angled cupola from Multan, South-Pendsjaab, Pakistan, ±1680, H 2,8 m, 6 m, in: Hetjens-Museum (see above).

Book Fliesen des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts im Raum Nienburg/Weser (from the collection of the Museum; re-edited by Museum Nienburg, 1994, 112 pp.; Leinstraße 48, 31582 Nienburg. (Dutch tiles from the 18th & 19th century permanent on view in the Museum.)

The Netherlands

Article TESKE J. - 'Het Mongoolse Rijk tijdens de Yuan Dynastie (1279-1368)' (ceramics from Iran including tiles from Iran, 14th Century); Museum het Princessehof, Grote Kerkstraat 11, 8911 DZ, Leeuwarden. (Exhibition untill 25.02.96)

Exhibition "Ceramics from Marocco" (possibly including tiles); 20.09-24.11.96; Museum het Princessehof, Leeuwarden (see above).

Exhibition "De positie van de Nederlandse aardewerkindustrie in de 19de eeuw, in 'De
Lelijke Tijd'; pronkstukken van Nederlandse interieurskunst 1835-1895"; Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, until 31.03.96. Catalogue available.


Book PEREIRA, Joâo Castel-Branco - As coleccoès do Museu Nacional do Azulejo, Lisboa (Portuguese Tiles from the National Museum of Azulejo, Lisbon), 1995, 128 pp., illustrated, (Port/Engl), Zwemmer Publishers, Instituto Português de Museus.

Catalogue O Azulejo Grafico (Graphic tiles), Museu Nacional do Azulejo, Rua da Madre de Deus 4, 1900 Lisboa, 1995 (English/Portuguese).

Article PEREIRA, José Fernandes - 'O Azulejo', in: História da Arte em Portugal, vol.3: Do Barocco à Contemporaneidade, Lisboa. Círculo dos Leitores, 1995, p.120-133.

Article ARRUDA, Luisa - 'Azulejaria nos Séculos XIX e XX', in: see above, p.407-437.

Magazine AZULEJO, n° 2, Museu Nacional do Azulejo, Lisboa, October 1995 :

  • 'Júlio Resende Ceramics' (born 1917 and known as a painter, has also made ceramic panels for several public and private buildings).
  • 'Neoclassic Tiles and Earthenware' (Portuguese glazed ceramics ca. 1780-1830).

Catalogue Cerâmica dascaldas, 1995, Silves + Faro.

Restoration Igreja Matriz de S. Lourenço de Almancil (church near FÅRO in Algarve); tiled walls and ceiling, +/-1730,with scenes of the live of S.Lourenço: totaly restored.


Articles DOROFEEVA, Ludmila - 1) 'Painted Dutch tiles in the interiors of Saint-Petersburgh in the Peter I times', 2) 'About tiles-craftsmen in Saint-Petersburgh in the Peter I times, in: Peterburghskie Readings (book of collected articles), Saint-Petersburgh, May 24-28 1993, pp.44-46, pp.46-48.

Articles Conference "Russian Tile", April 15-16 1993, Moscow. Materials of the conference in "Colomenskoe" (collected articles), nbr 5, part 1 & 2, Moscow, 1993. Parts: 1) Problems in studying of Russian tiles, 2) Tiles in the museum collections, 3) Finds, 4) Question of restoration and reconstruction, 5) Our heritage.


Bulletin Butlletí Informatiu de Ceràmica (articles on tiles in each number). Associació Catalana de Ceràmica Decorada i Terrissa, Sant Honorat 7, 08002 Barcelona.

Book/catalogue TELESE COMPTE, Albert - Les rajoles d'oficis i la musica (about Catalan music tiles). Planned 12.95/01.96.

Catalogue Ceràmica, Arte y Devoción. Colección Carranza (Spanish and Dutch religious tiles), exhibition in Daimiel, 9-30.04.95, various authors, 131 pages, 71 color. (orders to: Ayuntamiento de Daimiel, Daimiel (Ciudad Real), Spain).

Tiles fair May 1996: "XVI Trobada de colleccionistes de rajola catalana i ceràmica antiga en general" in Vallromanes,a village near Barcelona. Inform.: above Associació.

Meetings Three "Reunions of Identification" will be held in 1996 by above Associació, the first on February 26.

Seminar Report Actas del Seminario, Rehabilitación de la Azulejeria in la Arquitectura (rehabilitation of tiles in old buildings). Ed. Asociación de Ceramologia, Agost. Planned October 1995.

Publication La metamorfosi del Blau, el taulellet (tiles, the blue metamorphosis). Related to the exhibition, closed May 1995, in: Museo Nacional de Ceramica, c/Poeta Querol 2, 46002 Valencia.

Seminar "Arqueologia del pavimento ceramico desde la media al siglo XVIII", organised by: Asociación de Ceramologia, c/ Tevleria 12, 03698 Agost, Alicante, 11.95.


Book. Fliesen und Kacheln - entwerfen-herstellen-dekorieren, Verlag Paul Haupt, Falkenplatz 14, CH 3001 Bern (ISBN 3-258-05170-4).


Book. PASINLI, Alpay & BALAMAN, Saliha - Türkische Fliesen und Keramik, Cinili Kösk, Archäologische Museen Istanbuls, 1991. (orders to: A Turizm Yayinlari Ltd.Sti., Sifa Hamami Sokak 18/2, Sultanahmet 34400 Istanbul).


Symposium. A 4-day symposium featuring the decorative tiles of Santa Barbara will be co-sponsored by the Santa Barbara Historical Society and the Tile Heritage Foundation (P.O.Box 1850 Healdsburg CA95448)in Santa Barbara, California, October 15-19, 96. Lectures, tours, demonstrations and tile-making workshops will focus attention on the European tiles and techniques which predominate this beautiful coastal city.

The objective of this Bulletin is the exchange of information on all kind of events (publications, exhibitions, lectures, ...) related to the subject of ceramic tiles and tiles related ceramics.
Published twice a year, in February and September.
Please send any useful information to the editor.

Edited by Stichting Vrienden Nederlands Tegelmuseum - European Ceramic Tiles Circle, c/o Caignie Frans, Akkerstraat 3, B-2970 Schilde, Belgium. Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.

The European Ceramic Tiles Circle is not responsible for the correctness of the information.
Prices are for information only and exclusive post & packing costs.
