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Vrienden Nederlands Tegelmuseum


The Netherlands


Otterlo, Nederlands Tegelmuseum, Chinezen uit Makkum”. 7-9-2019 –  January 2020. The story behind the "chinese" tiles made in Makkum for the British market between 1935 and 1980.

"Exotic, luxury, hygienic". 7-9-2019 - January 2020. Tiles of the era of the tiled shops, In the period between 1900 and 1940 tiles were populars as shop decoration. The Dutch tile museum has a nice collection with nice representatives of butchers, bakeries, fishmongers and grocery shops with some of De Gruyter.  In the exhibition are also some tins on loan from colleague museums.  Nederlands Tegelmuseum, Eikenzoom 12, 6731 BH Otterlo. Tel. +31-318-591.519.Open: Tue – Sun, 13 – 17 hr. www.nederlandstegelmuseum.nl

Delft, Museum Prinsenhof,  PIETER DE HOOCH IN DELFT, FROM THE SHADOW OF VERMEER.  Paintings of the 17th century with some Dutch interiors where tiles are visible.  October 11, 2019 through February 16, 2020. Sint Agathaplein 1, 2611 HR Delft.  Open:  seven days a week from 9 to 17.    https://prinsenhof-delft.nl/en

Den Haag, Gemeente museum, THE LAVINO COLLECTION,  SHOWCASE OF DUTCH DELFTWARE.     The Lavino Collection was built by steel magnate Meijer Lavino, who died in 2005. This unique collection, never before shown to the public, includes almost the entire range of wares produced by Delft potters between 1660 and 1820.  31-8-2019 to 3-3-2019. Stadhouderslaan 41, 2517 HV Den Haag Open: Tue – Sun: 10 – 17  www.gemeentemuseum.nl

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Hindeloopen, Schaatsmuseum, Winter op aardewerk, 13-12-2018 - 26-11-2019. Winter scenes on ceramics in 13 display cases including tiles with skaters. Kleine Weide 1-3, 8713 KZ, Hindeloopen. Open: Mon-Sat 10 - 18. Sun 13 - 17.  http://www.schaatsmuseum.nl/home/


Baarn, Historische Kring Baerne,  Tegels, Verleden en Heden, 21-9-2019  -  8-1-2020 . Tiles, Past and Present,   private collections,  Bibliotheek, Hoofdstraat 1A, Baarn. Open: Wed 14 - 16, Sat 11 - 13.  https://historischekringbaerne.nl/ 




Innsbruck. Tiroler Volkskunstmuseum. Handcraft of Tirol and many tile stoves of the 15th – 19th century. Volkskunstmuseum, Universitätsstraße 2, 6020 Innsbruck. Open: Mon – Sun: 9 – 17. http://www.tiroler-landesmuseen.at



Immenhausen, GlasmuseumKunst im Quadrat „Jugendstilfliesen“. Die Ausstellung zeigt Fliesen aus verschiedenen Werkstätten im In- und Ausland, neben Deutschland vor allem aus Belgien, den Niederlanden und Frankreich. Die Motive sind vielfältig: neben üppigen Pflanzendarstellungen, vor allem Seerosen, tauchen Tierdarstellungen auf, verschlungene Girlanden, grafische Muster und Bordüren.

Durch die über 150 Ausstellungsstücke sollen die Vielfalt und das Dekorationsspektrum der Wandfliesen zum Ausdruck kommen und die Besucher vor allem durch die Farb- und Motivfülle beeindruckt werden.

Over 150 Art Nouveau Tiles from Germany, Belgium, France and Holland with a wide range of decor motifs from the collection of Helmut Schmidt aus Marburg.

31. August – 17. November 2019. Am Bahnhof 3, 34376 Immenhausen. Tue - Thu: 10 - 17 , Fri - Sun: 13 - 17.         https://www.immenhausen.de/seite/287220/aktuelle-ausstellungen.html



St. Petersburg. Menshikov Palace Museum. Palace built near the Newa in the period of Peter the Great between 1710 and 1720. Rooms decorated with Dutch tiles. Now part of the Hermitage museum.               15, Universitetskaya Naberezhnaya. St Petersburg. Open: Tue – Sun : 10.30 – 17.30.   www.hermitagemuseum.org


United Kingdom


Wolverhampton, Wightwick Manor, Malthouse Gallery, Discover the Malthouse gallery and its exhibition in partnership with the De Morgan Foundation. The Gallery is open to the public since September 2019 with a new, colourful display of ceramics and paintings from the De Morgan FOundation’s collection, Wightwick’s own collection and loans from the V&A. Wightwick Manor, Wightwick Bank, Wolverhampton, West Midlands, WV6 8EE. Open: Mon  – Sun : 10.30 – 17.00.  https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/wightwick-manor-and-gardens



Expected in november 2019

Jan Pluis and Min Chen. Dutch tiles with Chinese pictures, made by Tichelaar in Makkum after 1930 for the British market. Over 250 pictures in Dutch and English. Publisher: Primavera Pers.   https://www.primaverapers.nl/

On the internet

Wilhelm Joliet , Kartusche- und Ornamentfliesen des 19. Jahrhunderts
aus der Rotterdamer Fliesenwerkstatt Schiedamsedijk  http://www.tegels-uit-rotterdam.com/krimpenerwaard2.html

Freek Mayenburg, Systematic overview of old Dutch tiles    https://www.spijkertegels.nl     latest: the toucan (very rare) on bird tiles    https://www.spijkertegels.nl/thema-s/vogels/toekan


Mario Baeck. Glanzende wanden. Belgische keramische wandtegels in neostijlen voor het interieur tijdens de 19e eeuw. Monument en Landschappen. 2019 nr. 1,p.7.                                                                          Nog te weinig bekend en zelden wettelijk beschermd, breekt Mario Baeck een lans voor een betere kennis, behoud en restauratie van Belgische keramische wandtegels in neostijlen, die dienden als versiering van interieurs. Toch blijkt uit enkele recente beschermingen en de groeiende interesse dat er toch hoop is op een betere toekomst voor dit bijzondere tegelerfgoed dat ooit met grote creativiteit en financiële inspanningen 'glans' gaf aan de 19de-eeuwse interieurs


Arthur Fontaine. Der englische Coade-Stein – die Villery & Boch-„Terrakotta“. 2019.  214 pp.  Publisher: Books on demand.  ISBN 978-3-7347-1515-0   https://www.bod.de/buchshop

Dr. Marlis Andres. Die Fliesenvielfalt im Kloster Lüne: Eine Bestandsaufnahme.  2017. Description of tiles from 1600 – 1850in a monastery near Lüneburg. Local production and import from Rotterdam and Friesland. 96 pp.   ISBN 13 978-3981727494  For sale by Amazon.de

Dr. Marlis Andres. Gerettete Fliesen aus Schüttorf im Kloster Frenswegen. 2019. Description of tiles saved during the demolition of a house in Schüttorf. The tiles of the 18th century were produced in Holland. 68 pp. ISBN 13  978-1793379238 . For Sale by Amazon.de



Sébastien Quéquet, ‘Pour une “polychromie monumentale”. De quelques grands décors de Théodore Deck dansles années 1880’, in Sèvres, Revue de la Société des Amis du musée national de Céramique, 28 (2019) 96-107                                                                                                                                           Abstract: When it was inaugurated in 1905, within the walls of Le Louvre palace, the Museum of Decorative Arts bought two sets of architectural ceramics made by Théodore Deck and his collaborators. These works date back to the 1880s and each one, in its own way, illustrates the audacious experimentations carried by Deck throughout his carreer and reveals the challenges of 19th century ceramics.

Renaud Serrette, ‘La salle de bains du comte de Toulouse à Rambouillet’, in: Sèvres. Revue de la Société du musée national de Céramique, 28 (2019), 34-51

Jacqueline Hocquet, Les jeux enfants sur les carreaux de faïence historiés en Europe du Nord-Ouest aux XVIIe-XVIIIe siécles. L’exemple de l’Hospice Comtesse à Lille. Ludica. Annali di storia e civiltà del gioco, year 24 (2018), p. 39-53.



Celine Ventura Teixera, L’Azulejo, la genèse d‘un art.   Regards croisés sur les ateliers de la péninsule ibérique au temps des Philippe (1556-1665)    517 pp.   ISBN : 979-10-92054-87-3

Habillant les murs d’églises, de palais et de patios, Céline Ventura Teixeira l’azulejo a transcendé les frontières et les siècles. Il constitue non seulement une pratique ornementale représentative des goûts d’une époque mais aussi l’expression d’un savoir-faire développé par des faïenciers qui n’ont eu de cesse de perfectionner le geste et l’objet. La mise en regard des ateliers de Lisbonne, Talavera de la Reina et Séville fait émerger de nouvelles problématiques liées aux processus de création issus de plusieurs savoir-faire et appartenant aussi bien à la sphère artisanale qu’artistique. Successivement mentionnés dans la documentation archivistique comme simples potiers puis comme faïenciers et enfin comme peintres d’azulejos, ces « faiseurs d’images émaillées » voient leur statut social évoluer progressivement. Les migrations d’artistes, la circulation de modèles, la valeur et le rôle politique attribués à l’azulejo ou encore l’impact de la politique religieuse sur les programmes ornementaux font partie des axes privilégiés de cette étude afin de reconstituer les relations entre les ateliers de la Péninsule.

Azulejaria na Região Centro (The Art of the Tile in the Central Region of Portugal). All texts but one in Portuguese. Published by the Council of Figueira da Foz, ed.: Maria de Lurdes Craveiro and Inês Maria Jordão Pinto, Figueira da Foz, May 2019, 192 pages, ISBN 978-989-8903-10-5

The book contains the texts, with colour illustrations, of some of the presentations given at a symposium in Figueira da Foz in 2014. The ‘authors’ are mainly Portuguese tile experts, but Johan Kamermans’ presentation is also printed here (in English) as well as a speech given by Francine Stoffels (in Portuguese) about the relations between Portugal and The Netherlands in the field of tiles, and particularly her own connection with the Portuguese tile world.

Johan Kamermans, Susana Varela Flor and Inês Maria Jordão Pinto write about Dutch tiles in Portugal. Maria Alexandra Trindade Gago da Câmara examines how Portuguese azulejos have been studied through the ages, as well as new methods of research. The presentations given by Diana Gonçalves dos Santos (our guide in Porto during the Dutch tile excursion in 2011), Alexandre Nobre Pais and Raúl Moura Mendes deal with the various types of tiles manufactured in Coimbra. With this publication new research into both Portuguese and Dutch tiles has been made available.

Susana Fonseca – Azulejos com História. (Portuguese, English, Spanish, French) objecto Anónimo, 2016, ISBN 978-989-8256-73-7. 145 pp. The first 90 pages of short texts and beautiful photographs guide you through the history of tiles in Portugal from 1500 to the present day. The next 55 pages contain mostly photographs arranged according to theme and location. Techniques of manufacture are explained, too. Indispensable for people who wish to make a tile tour of Portugal. All the addresses are given.

In recent years a series of interesting and beautifully illustrated tile books have been published by Centro Atlântico (www.centroatlantico.pt). This was founded by photographer Libório Manuel Silva, who focuses on cultural subjects and heritage. He takes all the photos himself and Rosário Salema de Carvalho does all the editing of the tile books discussed below. She is a researcher and executive coordinator of Az – Rede de Investigação em Azulejo from ARTIS – Instituto de História de Arte, Faculdade de Letras, Universidade de Lisboa. Titles follow below.                         http://redeazulejo.letras.ulisboa.pt/redeazulejaria%5Fen/

Azulejos – Maravilhas de Portugal / Wonders of Portugal (bilingual edition), various authors, ed.: Libório Manuel Silva and Rosário Salema de Carvalho, Centro Atlântico, 2017, 335 pages, ISBN 978-989-615-213-0 . 

Some twenty specialists describe 40 locations from five centuries of history and all regions of Portugal: from the palaces in Sintra with their mudéjar tiles to the metropolitan stations dating from the end of the twentieth century. On our journey we pass the tile-clad façades of Lisbon, the art nouveau in Aveiro, the sixteenth-century tile pictures in Quinta de Bacalhôa and the palace of the Marquises of Fronteira, to mention but a few attractions. The general introduction by José Meco, with a timeline, gives all locations their place in the continuous history of the Portuguese azulejo.

Azulejos à Mesa / Azulejos in Restaurants (bilingual edition), various authors, ed.: Libório Manuel Silva and Rosário Salema de Carvalho, Centro Atlantico, 2018, 112 pages, ISBN: 978-989-615-215-4   

More light-hearted information - but indispensable for the epicures among us - is provided by Azulejo à Mesa, which describes seventeen restaurants with extraordinary tiles. Often situated in former monasteries or palaces, these include the well-known Cervejaria Trindade, Casa do Alentejo and Mesa de Frades in Lisbon, and the Pousada Mosteiro de Guimarães, where the food has been relished by participants of the Dutch tile excursions to Portugal.

Azulejo– O que é / What is (bilingual edition), ed.: Libório Manuel Silva and Rosário Salema de Carvalho, Centro Atlântico, 2nd ed. 2018, 112 pages, ISBN: 978-989-615-222-2

Over fifty renowned tile specialists, ceramicists, architects, collectors and other tile buffs try to give a satisfactory - and sometimes quite humorous - answer to this question. Each left-hand page has a text in the two languages, each right-hand page shows a splendid photograph of tile pictures and panels in such varied places as Tangier, Angra (Azores), Funchal (Madeira), Olivença and Seville (Spain), and of course locations in Portugal. The Portuguese, Brazilian, Spanish, Moroccan and Dutch authors include: Dora Alcântara, José Berardo, Fábio Carvalho, Feliciano David, Johan Kamermans, José Meco, João Manuel Mimoso, Alexandre Nobre Pais, João Pedro Monteiro, Alfonso Pleguezuelo, Vítor Serrão, Hans van Lemmen, Ana Viegas and Tiago Montepegado. Beautiful photos, which provide a sense of joyful recognition.

Azulejo em/in Braga – O Largo Tempo do Barroco / The Baroque Period, (bilingual edition), Libório Manuel Silva and Rosário Salema de Carvalho, Centro Atlantico, 2016, 216 pages, ISBN: 978-989-615-211-6


Renate Petriconi, ‘Die Fliesenverkleidungen von Policarpo de Oliveira Bernardes in der Kirche São Lourenço dos Matos im süden Portugals’ in:  Keramos, Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft der Keramikfreunde e.V Düsseldorf, 239 (2019) 3-15


Wilhelm Joliet , AZULEJOS, DAS KERAMISCHE WUNDER PORTUGALS IN DER KIRCHE SÃO VICTOR IN BRAGA. http://www.geschichte-der-fliese.de/braga.html

Wilhelm Joliet,  Klooster Alcobaça, een 18e-eeuwse azulejos-cyclus op de wanden in de Sala dos Reis, koningszaal.  http://www.geschichte-der-fliese.de/alcobacaNL.html




Andreeva, Ekaterina A. Faience Tiles with Biblical Subjects in the Interiors of the Menshikov Palace in St. Petersburg ( in Russian)        http://actual-art.org/files/sb/08/Andreeva.pdf                                      abstract: https://actual-art.spbu.ru/en/publications/archive/vol-8/material-culture-applied-art-and-design/10629.html




Wilhelm Joliet, Klosterkirche Santa Paula in Sevilla, Hervorragende Azulejos und in Hochrelief ausgeführte Keramiken. http://www.geschichte-der-fliese.de/santapaula.html


United Kingdom

Charles LawrenceThe Bedford Park Tiles of Eleanor Greeves, 2019, 24 pp, ISBN 978-0-9956451-6-5    http://charleslawrencechiswick.co.uk/art-books/



Hans van Lemmen, Minton’s Prosser’s Patent tiles, 1840-1854, in TACS Journal Volume 25,  2019.  Article about very early dust pressed tiles.




Tile Heritage Foundation. Latest news.    https://www.tileheritage.org/files/E-News-Fall-2019.html


Conferences :

United Kingdom

‘Terracotta: Past, Present and Future’, Midland Hotel, Manchester, 26th-27th March 2020

Organised by the Tiles & Architectural Ceramics Society, this conference aims to provide a historical context for
the use of terracotta and faïence in architectural structures and the latest information on the restoration and
refurbishment of buildings bearing these materials. It will also, importantly, promote the use of terracotta and
faïence in contemporary new-build projects. Leading practitioners in the field of architectural conservation,
manufacture of terracotta and faïence, and designers of new-build construction featuring these materials will be
among the panel of speakers. The conference will include a tour of some of the important buildings in central
Manchester as well as a visit to a major manufacturer of both conservation and new-build architectural terracotta
and faïence.






