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Vrienden Nederlands Tegelmuseum


The Netherlands


OtterloTegeltoppers” November 2018 – 3. June 2019. The personal choice of 19 visitors or friends of the Dutch Tile Museum. The pictures of the tiles are on canvas with the size 60 x 60 cm. A part of the original tiles are also on exhibition. The oldest one is mediaeval floor tile and the latest is a Brazilian tile of about 2010. Nederlands Tegelmuseum, Eikenzoom 12, 6731 BH Otterlo. Tel. +31-318-591.519.Open: Tue – Sun, 13 – 17 hr. www.nederlandstegelmuseum.nl

Leeuwarden, “Glans en Geluk, kunst uit de wereld van de Islam”, Ceramics from the Islam World. 8-9-2018 to 3-3-2019 in the Haags Gemeente Museum, Stadhouderslaan 41, 2517 HV Den Haag. Open: Tue – Sun , 10 – 17 hr. www.gemeentemuseum.nl .

Catalogue : Glans en Geluk, Kunst uit de Wereld van de Islam. Splendour & Bliss. Arts from the Islamic World. Charlotte Huijgens, Luitgard Mols e.a. 24 x 28 cm, 280 pagina’s, 265 illustraties in kleur, luxe paperback, ISBN 9789462621947 (Nederlands/ English), € 24,95 (na de tentoonstelling € 27,50) Uitgever: Waanders & De Kunst.

Den Haag, “Made in Holland, 400 jaar wereldmerk” , 400 year Dutch ceramics. 2-6-2018 to 30-6-2019. In Keramiekmuseum Princessehof, Grote Kerkstraat 9, 8911 DZ Leeuwarden. Open: Tue – Sun, 10 – 17 hr. www.princessehof.nl

Catalogue: Made in Holland, Het wereldsucces van 400 jaar Nederlandse keramiek / The global succes of Dutch ceramics. Made in Holland laat zien hoe Nederland een wereldspeler op het gebied van de keramiek is geworden. 24 x 30 cm, 160 pagina’s, 103 illustraties in kleur & 26 in zwart-wit, gebonden, Nederlands/English, ISBN 9789462621848, € 24,95. Uitgever: Waanders & De Kunst.

Auctions: in February, March and April with various auction houses in Holland. More details will follow.


Pluis, Jan. Schepentegels, Amsterdam—Utrecht—Harlingen—Makkum 1660-1980, inleiding Remmelt Daalder. Paperback in Dutch 96 blz., ca. 200 ill. in kleur. Primavera Pers 2018  ISBN: 978-90-5997-264-3

Pluis, Jan. Dutch Ship Tiles, Amsterdam—Utrecht—Harlingen—Makkum 1660-1980, introduction Remmelt Daalder. Paperback in English, 2018, 96 pages., ca. 200 ill. in colour. Primavera Pers ISBN: 978-90-5997-262-9  

Each € 19,50. Order from: Nederlands Tegelmuseum, Eikenzoom 12, 6731 BH Otterlo. Tel. +31-318-591.519, Fax -592.000. Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.

Dobry, Artur. Ozcko, Piotr. Pluis, Jan. Holenderskie flizy na dawnych ziemiach polskich i ościennych = Dutch Tiles in the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth and neighbouring lands. Part. 1, Umywalnia na Zamku Wysokim w Malborku : jej historia i wystrój /  . - Malbork : Muzeum Zamkowe w Malborku, 2018. - 270 pages. . - ISBN 978-83-60518-97-7     (Book in Polish)

Ozcko, Piotr. Pluis, Jan. Holenderskie flizy na dawnych ziemiach polskich i ościennych = Dutch tiles in the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth and neighbouring lands. Part. 2, Mody i wnętrza / . - Malbork : Muzeum Zamkowe w Malborku, 2018. - 287 pages. . - ISBN 978-83-60518-98-4   (Book in Polish)

Baart, Jan. Faiança de Delft / Delft Faience (bilingual edition, Portuguese and English) The former town archaeologist of Amsterdam, Jan Baart, has published the first full and well-illustrated description of the collection of Delft faience in the possession of Fundação Maria Isabel Guerra Junqueiro e Luís Pinto de Mesquita Carvalho, in Porto. The 66 pieces were found in Portugal and brought together by the politician and poet Abílio Guerra Junqueiro (1850-1923).  In an interesting introduction Jan Baart describes the production of seventeenth and eighteenth faience and the organization of the potteries in Delft. Hard cover, 200 pages, c. 80 colour illustrations, € 25. Fundação Maria Isabel Guerra Junqueiro e Luís Pinto de Mesquita Carvalho, Porto, 2018. ISBN: 978-90-76241-49-4. Also available at the Dutch Tile Museum, Otterlo, The Netherlands.

Dhruv Sharma, An Essay on the Tiles of Cádiz. The purpose of this book, acting as a cohesive single essay, is to describe Cádiz through its most expressive art form: its ceramic wall tiles. The book provides an overarching review of these tiles, their history and artistry as well as delving into the influences thereof. The Author uses his own pictures taken in Cádiz to provide a first hand portrayal. ISBN 9781723934940



Spijkertegels.nl , Diverse tegelpagina’s door Freek Mayenburg verder aangevuld met diverse tegels en extra zoekfunctie: zie http://www.spijkertegels.nl

Belowthesurface.amsterdam , de ca 20.000 archelogische vondsten van de bouw van de metro Noord-zuidlijn in Amsterdam. Meer dan 200 tegels en fragmenten zijn er te zien. https://belowthesurface.amsterdam/nl/vondsten




Nordfriesische Fliesentagung.18 Mei 2019.  Studiedag in Husum van de Interessengemeinchaft Baupflege Nordfriesland und Dithmarschen. Zie hun site  http://www.igbaupflege.de/termine.html

Collectors fair:

The "annual spring international art nouveau tiles collectors fair 2019" will be held on Saturday, March 16th, 2019, 11.00 a.m. - 3.30 p.m. in Museum Zons , Schlossstr. 1, 41541 Dormagen (between Köln and Düsseldorf), tel.: 02133-53020. www.kreismuseumzons.de


Düsseldorf, Hetjens-Deutsches Keramikmuseum, Grootste privé verzameling Meissner Zwiebelmuster   (Blauw-wit porselein) 25-10-2018 tot 17-3-2019. Schulstraße 4, 40213 Düsseldorf. Openingstijden: Di – Zo , 11 – 17 uur. www.duesseldorf.de/hetjens


Geschichte der Fliese. De site van Wilhelm Joliet heeft regelmatig updates. Over Rotterdamse tegels op http://www.tegels-uit-rotterdam.com/index.html     maar ook over tegels van elders op http://www.geschichte-der-fliese.de/.



Györ,  Fruhmann House: Tile Stove Exhibition, grote verzameling tegelkachels, 9022 Győr, Kiss János utca 9, Openingstijden: Di – Zo , 10 – 18 uur, www.turizmus.gyor.hu



Palermo, Sicilië, Stanze al Genio, collectie van ruim 5000 Italiaanse tegels, Via Giuseppe Garibaldi, 11, 90133 Palermo PA, Openingstijden: Di – Zo , 11 – 16 uur, www.stanzealgenio.it


St. Petersburg, Keramarch, Museum of Architectural Ceramics, situated in Peter and Paul Fortress. Opened october 5th of 2018. Open 11:00 - 18:00. Tue 11:00 - 17:00, Closed Wed.  http://www.keramarch.ru

Saba   ( Dutch Antilles) 


Dutch Museum Cottage, Saba, Tegelcollectie, Park Lane Street 12, Windwardside, Saba, Openingstijden: Ma – Zo , 13 – 17 uur, www.sabaweb.nl/collection-01/



New blogs by Michael Padwee. My blog, "Architectural Tiles, Glass and Ornamentation in New York": http://tilesinnewyork.blogspot.com/


