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Vrienden Nederlands Tegelmuseum



Otterlo  Tegelmuseum

Exhibtion: Crossroads between East and West.  Study of geometric tile designs from the Netherlands. Including a publication.

RaakvlakkenKlein             Raakvlakken1

The publication is available for € 29,95 in the shop of the Nederlands Tegelmuseum.

Bilingual Dutch-English. 224 PP. ISBN/EAN: 978-94-6406-734-7



The Hague, Kunstmuseum

In the permanent collection the “Wonder of Delft Blue” is always interesting to see.

Stadhouderslaan 41, 2517 HV Den Haag.

Open: Tue – Sun: 10 – 17 hr.

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Rotterdam - Depot Museum Boijmans van Beuningen

The new depot of Museum Boijmans van Beuningen is open for the public. A large part, over 150 thousand objects, can be seen , including many tiles.

BoymansT1620                   TegeldepotBvB

Museumpark, Rotterdam.

Open: Tue – So: 10 – 17 hr.





Hemiksem, Gilliot & Roelants Tile Museum

Since 2021 there is a new temporary exhibition in the Gilliot & Roelants Tile Museum in Hemiksem Belgium, near Antwerp. This exhibition is entirely devoted to Art Nouveau.

From the impressive tile collection by Roberto Pozzo – with more than 9,000 tiles – which has been managed by the Gilliot & Roelants Tile Museum in Hemiksem since 2016, we have selected some 30 decorative panels and more than 300 tiles that are among the most beautiful examples of Belgian production; both from Gilliot & Cie’s plant as from competitors such as Boch Frères, Helman, the SA La Majolique, the Manufactures de Céramiques de Hasselt, the S.A. La Dyle from Wijgmaal and many Walloon factories including the Faienceries de Nimy.

Sint-Berbardus abdij 2, 2620 Hemiksem, Antwerp Province.

Opening: to april  2022  every first sunday of the month – 2 pm – 5 pm. May 2022 to june 2022: every sunday – 2 pm – 5 pm

Info and reservations: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.


Hemiksem wisseltentoonstelling 2021 VK


Boom, ’t GeleegBrickworks Museum of the Rupel region

This brickworks, over 9.88 acres, gives you a complete picture of an ordinary brickworks in all its aspects. The restored ring oven, klamp oven, rooftile shed, drying sheds are the result of hard work. The machine room with mixer, kollergangr, and press and a walk through the drying sheds are part of the guided tour. Here and nowhere else will you get to see the last complete brickworks in the Rupelstreek. The presence of a hand-molded plant, where they also produced floor tiles, as well as an industrial plant makes a visit to this site unforgettable.

The first mention of brickworks in the area dates back to 1346, with a  ‘tichelengeleghe’ at the Blauwe Pan (street name).
The first land register data dates back to 1721, found when creating the Caertboek of Boom. There were 2 brickworks on the location of the site Noeveren. Around 1840 there were even 3 brickworks. It stopped in the 1980's and is now an heritage site.

’t Geleeg – Steenbakkerijmuseum van de Rupelstreek, Noeveren 196, 2850 Boom

Visit on appointment, see http://www.geleeg.be/en/


Musée de la Céramique à Desvres. In the north of France, close to Calais. Changing exhibitions with a vaste collection of locally produced ceramics, including tiles. Rue Jean Macé, BP 107, 62240 Desvres, open: Tue – Sat, 10 – 12.30 and 14 - 17 hr. Sun, 14 – 17 hr.  https://www.musee-ceramique-desvres.com/




Aachen, Couven Museum. A barock house, named after the architect Jakob Couven, he has redecorated in 1786. The house dates from 1662 and was used since as a pharmacy. In 1958 it was converted to a museum showing interiors of the 18th century. One room is containing 6000 tiles of the collection of Peter and Irene Ludwig. The famous art collectors. Most of the tiles are from Holland.

Couven Museum, Hühnermarkt 17, 52062  Aachen

Info: http://www.couven-museum.de/


Höhr-Grenzhausen. The Keramikmuseum Westerwald is one of the largest museums for ceramics in Europe. It has a unique position in the museum landscape with its special combination of art, craftmanship and local history. It is a meeting place where art, crafts, technology and education, history and future come together and connect with each other. Embark on a journey through time and discover the immaterial cultural heritage of the so called “Kannenbäckerland” = “Jug Baking Town”.


Now there is a interesting exhibition. , Westerwald Stoneware for the Dutch Market. Until Sunday, June 5, 2022

Lindenstraße 13, D - 56203 Höhr-Grenzhausen, Rhineland Palatinate

Open:   Tuesday - Sunday from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Info: https://www.keramikmuseum.de/home-english



Estremoz - Museu Berardo Estremoz – 800 Years of Tile History

The Museu Berardo Estremoz is a joint initiative by the Berardo Collection and Estremoz Municipal Council.
This museum presents what is considered the largest and most important private collection of tiles in Portugal. The Berardo Collection includes in situ tile sets, a heritage that includes the Bacalhôa Palace and Estate (Azeitão) and the Tocha Palace (Estremoz), and more than four thousand and five hundred movable examples dating from the 13th to the 21st century. The collection takes us on a journey through the secular history of tiles. On display in the historic Tocha Palace, which already contains some magnificent late-Baroque and Rococo tile
sets, the Museu Berardo Estremoz tells the story and history of the last eight centuries of tiling through its inaugural exhibition, "800 Years of Tile History".

Largo Dragões de Olivença, 100, Estremoz. Open: daily  9 AM – 7 PM, except on holidays.





Valencia, Museo Nacional de Cerámica – Palacio Marqués de Dos Aguas

In honour of the Valencian ceramics industry, the González Martí National Museum of Ceramics is located in what is considered to be the best example of Baroque architecture in Spain, the Palacio del Marqués de Dos Aguas. The museum houses the largest national collection of ceramics, dating from the 18th century to the contemporary period, and includes pieces by Picasso. A museum in which you can also find merchandise from the Silk Route and discover how they lived in one of the most iconic Valencian noble families of the age.

Calle Poeta Querol 2, 46002 Valencia

Open: Tue - Sat: 10 AM – 2 PM and 4 PM - 8 PM
Sun and holidays: 10 AM – 2 PM.



Girona - Casa Galibern, until February 27, 2022

The exhibition 1000 years of Catalan ceramics.Celebrating 40 years of the Asociació Catalana de Ceràmica,   It has been organized by the Fundació Mascort and the Asociació Catalana de Ceràmica to commemorate the 40th anniversary of this entity (1980-2020).


Almost 300 pieces of china and pottery dating from the 10th to the 20th century.

Open: Fri: 16.30 – 20 hr. Sat: 11 – 13.30 hr and 16.30 – 20 hr. Sun: 11- 13.30 hr.

Casa Galibern, Carrer de l'Església 9, 17257 Torroella de Montgrí. Girona



Publicaties in binnen- en buitenland, Publications




Frans Caignie red.. Raakvlakken tussen oost en west – onderzoek van geometrische tegeldecors uit de Nederlanden / Crossroads between East and West - study of geometric tile designs from the Netherlands . This book , with 8 chapters, gives an overview of the development of islamitic tile design from the early middle ages into the spanish tile designs of the 16h century. These decors influenced the early tile production in the Netherlands from 1570 onwards. The mathematic principles of these patterns are also discussed in two chapters. The final chapters show the evolvement of these patterns from the 18th century until now.

Bi-lingual Dutch- English. 224 pages. Published by Stichting Vrienden Nederlands Tegelmuseum. ISBN/EAN: 978-94-6406-734-7  Price € 29,95. can be ordered from Nederlands Tegelmuseum. Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.


Peter Sprangers, Op zoek naar Haarlemse 17e eeuwse tegels. Bijna een eeuw Haarlemse wandtegelproductie komt in deze uitgave aan bod in al zijn facetten. Peter Sprangers verzamelde meer dan 500 afbeeldingen van gedecoreerde wandtegels en tegeltableaus die voor een groot deel in dit boek zijn te zien.


Nederlands, Hardcover, € 19,95. ISBN 2004000150862. 2021

Te bestellen via De Vries Van Stockum:  https://www.devriesvanstockum.nl/


Bart Verbrugge. De vernieuwende Keramiek van de Porceleyne fles , 1891 - 1914. Dit boek gaat over enkele bijzondere types keramiek die tussen 1891 en circa 1914 werden vervaardigd bij de Delftse keramiekfabriek De Porceleyne Fles, en die kunnen worden gerekend tot de meest interessante representanten van de oplevende keramiekproductie van rond 1900 in Nederland. Het gaat over sierkeramiek en architectonisch keramiek met als benamingen: Berbas, Reflet métallique, Jacoba, porselein biscuit en sectiel. De Porceleyne Fles verwierf met deze vernieuwende types keramiek een pioniersrol en wordt daarom terecht aangemerkt als de kraamkamer van een tijdperk van innovatie in de Nederlandse keramieknijverheid tussen circa 1890 en 1914. 152 pagina's. Uitgever: Van Haren Publishing 2021. Verkoopprijs: € 30,- . EAN 9789401807470. Te koop bij diverse boekhandels.





Glazed Expressions, no. 88 ,

Various articles in the magazine of TACS, e.g. ; Medieval Tiles at St John the Baptist, Claines, Worcestershire (Lesley Durbin) , More Dust Pressed Blanks used by William De Morgan (Rob Higgins) – £6.00




Arthur Miller, Indian Tiles , Architectural ceramics from sultanate an mughal India and Pakistan.  A long time neglected area of study. on many places in India tiles can be found. Foreword by Susan stroonge, curator of Victoria and Albert Museum. 303 pages.


Azulejo Flowers - From The 15th Century Up To Now

A typical coffee table book showing a lot of Spanish and Portuguese floral tiles from the 15th century to this day. A book with many illustrations and not so much text.


The tin-glazed ceramic tilework known as ‘azulejo’ has a long tradition in Portugal and Spain. Its production was also widespread in former colonies and drew upon local influences. Azulejo artists were influenced by different movements and styles, from the ‘manuelino’ (mixing elements of Gothic, Mauritanian, and Indian motifs) to modernism and later 20th-century styles. Azulejos were often used in the 16th century to decorate church interiors, especially around the altar. Throughout the history of this ceramic tradition, flowers are a prominently recurring motif. From floral Arabesque patterns to modern interpretations, this collection features an array of beautiful examples. 304 p, ills colour, 23 x 30 cm,  English. Publisher Massimiliano Piretti Editore. ISBN 9788864761008. Price €95.65     See:



On the internet:



Aandacht voor onze vriend Frans Caignie als gebruiker van de erfgoed bibliotheek Hendrik Conscience in Antwerpen




Bij de volgende musea kun je thuis met de zoekterm “tegel” veel moois vinden

Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum



Leiden, Museum de Lakenhal



Rotterdam, Museum Boijmans van Beuningen, depot nu open, depot online



Leeuwarden, Museum Princessehof, de collectie is nu ook online te zien, inclusief tegels




Een vergelijking van decors van Rotterdam, Harlingen en de DNT (Jan Pluis, de Nederlandse Tegel)



vianen clip image012

‘Mettlacher Mosaikplatten’ in de O.L. Vrouw ten Hemelopnemingkerk Vianen.  Een rooms-katholieke parochiekerk in de Nederlandse stad Vianen. De driebeukige neogotische hallenkerk zonder toren werd gebouwd tussen 1877 en 1879 en werd ontworpen door Alfred Tepe.



Decors van de Tegel- en Aardewerkbakkerij Van Hulst Harlingen , met afbeeldingen uit de oude catalogi van rond 1900.



Het modellenboek van Tjallingii, Harlingen



De invloed van Villeroy & Boch Mettlach  op de tegeldecors van de Harlinger tegel- en aardwerkbakkerijen van Tjallingii en van Hulst.



De website over Nederlandse antieke tegels en (Goudse) kleipijpen,   https://www.spijkertegels.nl/

recente aanvullingen: https://www.spijkertegels.nl/mensen/mensen-huishoudelijk


Schouw uit Koudekerk aan den Rijn in het Nederlands Tegelmuseum Otterlo





Villeroy & Boch, Wand- und Möbelfliesen mit holländischen Motiven - aus dem Katalog März 1910





Szenen aus dem Leben der Mutter Jesu auf Fliesengemälden in

der Basílika Nuestra Señora del Prado in Talavera de la Reina / Spanien





Fliesengemälde des 17. Jahrhunderts in der Säulenhalle

der Basílika Nuestra Señora del Prado in Talavera de la Reina / Spanien





Museo Berardo has most of her tiles online:




De Tile Heritage Foundation



"The Art-Deco Aztec Ballet Tiles of Agustín Lazo," by Michael Padwee.




De Tile & Architectural Ceramics Society

