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Vrienden Nederlands Tegelmuseum


Exhibition "Het aardewerk van de pottenbakkerij Dupont te Poperinge" (The earthenware of pottery Dupont in Poperinge), 8 - 15 October 2006, in Gasthuiskapel, Gasthuisstraat 3, Poperinge. Opening hours 10h - 12h and 13h30 - 17h. Pottery Dupont was working in Poperinge from 1846 till 1975, but it was the successor of an age-long tradition of potters at the Burgemeester Bertenplein in the centre of the city. Thanks to remains from the workshop, several earthenware shapes, a catalogue dated 1895 and the production books of Louis Verelst-Dupont, it was possible to reconstruct the production of this important earthenware centre.

Study-day "Het aardewerk van de pottenbakkerij Dupont te Poperinge" (The earthenware of pottery Dupont in Poperinge), Saturday, October 7, 2006 in the Town Hall of Poperinge. Information: Volkskunde West-Vlaanderen, Balstraat 46, 8000 Brugge.

Bulletin Mensen & Dingen, 2006-3 will be entirely dedicated to this exhibition.

Article VEECKMAN, Johan & BELLENS, Tim - 'Een majolicabakker in de Aalmoezenierstraat', in: J. VEECKMAN (ed.), BRABOM, Berichten en Rapporten over het Antwerps Bodemonderzoek en Monumentenzorg, 6, Stad Antwerpen, 2005, p. 213-214 (Dutch text). ISBN 90-802915-8-7. Order: Stad Antwerpen, Afdeling archeologie, Kloosterstraat 15, B-2000 Antwerpen. Tel./Fax +32 3 232 92 08. € 16,- Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. ; http://archeologie.antwerpen.be

Exhibition "Tegels uit de Poterie Flamande ca. 1850-1950", 1.07 - 15.09.2006, in: Het Museum voor Torhouts Aardewerk, Kasteel Ravenhof, 8820 Torhout, tel. +32 50 22 07 70, open each day 9-12h and 14-17h. Exhibition entirely devoted to the tile production in West Flanders; the tile production of Maes (Torhout), Laigneil, Caessens and Nosseda (Kortrijk), Den Uil and Van Humskerke (Brugge), Bourgoignie (Bredene), a.o. will be shown in the context of the Belgian tile production in that same period. A richly illustrated book on the subject, written by Mario Baeck in cooperation with Marc Logghe, will be available at exhibition time.

Lecture BAECK, Mario "Belgische industriële vloer- en wandtegels 1840-1940", on August 6th, 2006, in: Stedelijk Museum, Zwijgershoek, 9100 Sint-Niklaas; tel. +32 3 777.29.42 - 776.07.53. www.sint-niklaas.be

Colloquium Report New insights on medieval tiles in Cistercian abbeys. The rich tile collection of Ten Duinen in an international context, in: Novi Monasterii, vol. 5, Abdijmuseum Ten Duinen 1138, Koninklijke Prinslaan 8, B-8670 Koksijde; to be released February-March 2006.
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Article NOUWEN, Robert - 'Een schouw met bijbeltegels uit Elversele (Oost-Vlaanderen) bewaard in het Provinciaal Openluchtmuseum Bokrijk', in: Oost-Vlaamse Zanten, LXXVI/4 (2001), pp. 361-371. The farm from where the tiles were removed, was built in 1609.


Article KÜHL, Mikkel - 'Hollandske fliser i Hammerichs Hus - med et strejf af søgang', 71pp, in: Årsskrift 2005, the 12th annual of Museerne i Ærøskøbing Kommune, p. 32-44. The Hammerichs House in Ærøskøbing holds a collection of about 3000 Dutch tiles. This article describes a number of maritime tiles of this collection. Order from: Museerne i Ærøskøbing Kommune, Nørregade 2, 5970 Ærøskøbing, tel. 62525950, fax 62522920, Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. Mikkel Kühl: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. € 8,-.


Book PEARSON, Lynn F., dr. - Tile Gazetteer. A guide to British Tile and Architectural Ceramics Locations, Tiles and Architectural Ceramics Society/Richard Dennis Publications, September 2005, 512pp, 363 b & w illustrations + 32 plates with 68 colour illustrations, A5 paperback. The long-awaited TACS Gazetteer is here at last and what a superb production it is! This is the definitive gazetteer of publicly accessible tile, mosaic and architectural ceramics sites in the UK. Arranged by county, the text is written in narrative form with all the highlights of each area described, dated and attributed wherever possible. This should be in every tile enthusiast’s library and why not buy a copy to carry in the car when you are away from home - never miss a tile site again! Order from Buckland Books, Holly Tree House, 18 Woodlands Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex, BN17 5PP. Tel/Fax +44-1903-717.648, Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. £ 25,00.

Magazine Glazed Expressions, the Magazine of TACS, the Tiles and Architectural Ceramics Society, published 3 times a year. Issue n° 54 Winter 2005, 20pp. Article, amongst others: ‘Kenneth Clark - MBE' by Penny Beckett: an interview with Kenneth Clark and retrospective view on more than 50 years of experience in designing and making tiles and tiled panels. Book reviews; Visit reports; Collectors’ Corner; events and news from the Society. Editor: Penny Beckett, Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. Enquiries about membership: Roger Hensman, 37 Mosley Road, Timperley, Altrincham WA15 7TF Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. ; www.tilesoc.org.uk 

Conference by TACS, 6th and 7th October 2006 - 'Church Ceramics: decorative tiles, mosaic terracotta during and after the Gothic Revival', advance notice of TACS 25th anniversary conference, Ironbridge Gorge Museum, Coalbrookdale, Telford, Shropshire. Information: from addresses in previous item and on www.tilesoc.org.uk 


Bulletin Les informations de l'ABRC - Association Bourguignonne de Recherches Céramiques, n° 40, November 2005, 6 pages. Edited by ABRC, 5 rue Dr. Maret, 21000 Dijon. Bi-annual bulletin listing Ceramic exhibitions, events, publications in France and abroad.

Book TRIDANT, A. - Les carreaux de pavement de la forteresse Médiévale de Blanquefort (Gironde), Groupe d'archéologie et d'histoire de Blanquefort (GABLE), 301p. Order from: La Maison du Patrimoine, Allées de Carpinet, 33290, Blanquefort, Tél. +33 5 56 57 19 42, € 20. L'étude de plus de 1 000 éléments issus des fouilles de la forteresse médiévale de Blanquefort a permis à l'auteur de réaliser un inventaire complet de cette importante collection inédite et d'isoler 58 motifs différents, étudiés en parallèle avec les autres carreaux mis au jour sur différents sites de la Gironde. Ce travail à la méthodologie exemplaire - choix du vocabulaire, utilisation de la bibliographie, traitement du mobilier - devrait en outre constituer un outil de référence pour les futures recherches sur les carreaux de pavement médiévaux d'autres régions, dont l'étude est actuellement en plein développement. (source: Les Informations de l'ABRC, n° 40). Ask for 'non-prior' delivery.

Book JACOTIN, M. et HITZEL, F. - Céramiques Ottomanes d'Iznik, collections du Musée National de la Renaissance, éd. de la Réunion des Musées Nationaux, 224 p., 500 col. ill., 45 € . L’extraordinaire collection de céramiques silico-alcalines ottomanes souvent qualifiées à tort de "faïences d'Iznik" autrefois constituée par le Musée de Cluny est aujourd'hui présentée au Musée national de la Renaissance à Écouen (conservateur Thierry Crépin-Leblond). "Cet ouvrage présente enfin de manière exhaustive une collection unique au monde représentative de la production des ateliers d’Iznik et de Kütaya entre 1530 et le milieu du XVIIe siècle. Il met notamment en évidence les affinités que cette production entretient avec la majolique italienne, rappelant ainsi les relations ininterrompues et fructueuses entre les mondes chrétien et ottoman". (source: Les Informations de l'ABRC, n° 40).


Exhibition "13 x 13. Die Welt im Quadrat. Niederländische Fliesen aus zwei rheinischen Privatsammlungen", 04.12.2005 - 02.04.2006 (extended to 30.04), in Couven-Museum, Hühnermarkt 17, 52062 Aachen. Ca. 300 Dutch tiles from two private collections are on show, completed by a selection of the museum's own collection from Peter and Irene Ludwig, giving an overview of life and living culture from the 16th to the 19th century. Tel. +49 (0)2 41- 4 32 44 21. www.couven-museum.de ; Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.

Exhibition "13 x 13. Die Welt im Quadrat. Niederländische Fliesen aus zwei rheinischen Privatsammlungen" will be shown in Schloß Oranienbaum, Schloßstrasse, D-06785 Oranienbaum, June 10 - October 8, 2006. Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. ;

Catalogue 13 x 13. Die Welt im Quadrat. Catalogue of all items of both private collections (ca. 500 tiles) in colour in the above mentioned exhibition. € 14,90. Order from Couven-Museum or from: Museen der Stadt Aachen, Wilhelmstraße 18, D - 52070 Aachen. Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.

Exhibition "Tulpen", 10.03 - 5.06.2006, in: Rhein-Kreis Neuss Museum Zons, Schlossstrasse 1, 41541 Dormagen-Zons. The exhibition shows 200 ceramic, glass, metal and textile objects which depict tulips, 16th - 20th c. 100 Jugendstil objects, 10 Iznik tiles/tile panels (16th/17th c.), 30 Dutch tiles (1600-1800), 16 Jugendstil tiles (1898-1908) and 20 ceramic objects from Gouda, Rosenburg and Utrecht (1896-1920). All items on show are represented in the catalogue.

Catalogue Tulpen. Mythos - Symbol - Gestalt, € 25,- ISBN 3.98 06527-3-4. Order from the Museum. Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. ; www.kreismuseumzons.de

Article KAMERMANS, Johan A. - Tulpen auf niederländischen Wandfliesen, in: Tulpen. Mythos - Symbol - Gestalt, Red. Helene Blum-Spicker, Rhein-Kreis Neuss Museum Zons, 2005, p.84-100.

Exhibition “Fliesenkunst & Malerei. Lothar Scholz zum 70", in: Erstes Deutsches Fliesenmuseum Boizenburg e.V., Reichenstraße 4, 19258 Boizenburg. Tel./fax +48 3 88 47/538.81. June 17, 2005 - May, 2006. Tuesday - Friday 10h-12h and 14h-16h; Saturday-Sunday, 14h-16h.

Exhibition "Jugendstil-Blüten", in: Erstes Deutsches Fliesenmuseum Boizenburg. Ca. 550 tiles with flowers and plants from the collection of Ulrich Hamburg will be shown till the end of March 2006.

Collectors fair The "German spring tiles collectors fair 2006" will be held on April 1st, 2006 in the museum in Zons (between Köln und Düsseldorf), 11.00 a.m. - 3.30 p.m. Information from: Ulrich Hamburg, Bredderstraβe 2, D-42477 Radevormwald, tel: +48-02195-5679. Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.

The Netherlands

Article KAMERMANS, Johan A. - 'Tegels uit Haarlem', in: Kunst en Antiek Journaal, oktober 2005.

Article WIJTMAN, C. - 'Verscheidenheid en toepassingen van klassieke wandtegels', in: Poldervondsten, n° 1, december 2005, p.14-15.

Exhibitions in Nederlands Tegelmuseum, Eikenzoom 12, NL-6731 BH Otterlo, tel. +31 (0)318 591 519. Tentative planning for 2006:

  • 24.12.2005-02.03.2006: "Betegelde schouwen goed beschouwd", acquisition of a tiled chimney with bible scenes, and one made by De Distel, based on a design from Bert Nienhuis (1873-1960);
  • 20.05 - 9.07: “Amsterdams Blauw”, recent work of Helly Öestreicher (1936);
  • 23.07 - 17.09: “Rembrandt en de Hollandse tegel”;
  • 30.09.2006 -7.01.2007: “De moderne tijden in een Oudhollandse stijl”.


Book POZO, Angelica - Making and installing handmade tiles. Lark Books, USA, 2005, 160pp, fully illustrated throughout in colour. As well as covering the making and installation of a wide variety of tile, this book also features a selection of the best of 21st century American tile design, all illustrated in colour. Order from Buckland Books, Holly Tree House, 18 Woodlands Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex, BN17 5PP. Tel/Fax +44-1903-717.648, Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. £ 16,95.


Article FRÜH, M. - 'Les poêles de Steckborn racontent des fables', p.1-84, in: Keramikfreunde der Schweiz, Mitteilungsblatt, n° 118 (september 2005), 92p., R. Schnyder, director. Important article, with colour illustrations on the stove tiles with animal decorations of the village Steckborn-am-Untersee, in the Thurgau canton (lac de Constance, XVIIIe siècle). Order from:. Pierre Beller, Le Tronchet, F - 71330, Frangy-en-Bresse, tél. +33 3 85 74 79 79. Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.

Bequest The Philadelphia Museum of Art, that owns an large collections of Dutch tiles (*), received in 2005 a major bequest of Dutch earthenware and Dutch porcelain from Rita Markus in memory of Frits Markus. A plate dated 1767 and a pair of parrots are among the pieces from Delft. Three of the four factories of Dutch porcelain are represented: a variety of objects made in Loosdrecht and signed M:OL., exceptional tureens produced in Tournai and decorated in The Hague, a coffee and tea service from Ouder Amstel. At the present time each of the objects from this bequest are on public view.
(*) Dutch Tiles in the Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1984, catalogue by Ella Schaap.

Book DELOR, J.P. - L'industrie de la tuile et de la brique au nord de l'Yonne, 254 p., 450 ill. coul., édité par l'Association Bourguignonne de Recherches céramiques, Dijon, 2005, 22 €, à commander directement au Siège social de l'ABRC, c/o Musée archéologique, 5, rue du Dr Maret, 21000 Dijon.
C'est à partir de la fin du XVIIIe siècle que l'habitat rural du nord de l'Yonne utilise la terre cuite architecturale, tuiles et briques qui remplacent la couverture de chaume et les pans de bois. Cette industrie va connaître son maximum d'expansion vers 1870 pour péricliter avec le conflit de 1914-1918. Trois enquêtes menées dans le Senonais, au sud de la forêt d'Othe et dans l'Aillantais permettent d'apprécier divers aspects de cette activité : l'évolution de la production, la diffusion locale et sur la région parisienne, l'aspect architectural des constructions nouvelles, l'endogamie des tuiliers…

Book Colonel J. THOMAS - Fours à chaux, tuileries, briqueteries en Touraine, 280 p., éd. du Conseil Général d’Indre-et-Loire, renseignements. tél. +31 2 47 67 05 82.

Book Tamas Mattyasovszky-Zsolnay, a.o. - Zsolnay Architectural Ceramics in Budapest, Nemzeti Tankönyvkiado, 2005, 208 p, large format, Hungarian text with English translation of the introduction chapters, richly illustrated. ISBN : 963 19 3644 9. ca. € 59,-

The objective of this Bulletin is the exchange of information on all kind of events (publications, exhibitions, lectures, ...) related to the subject of ceramic tiles and tiles related ceramics.
Published twice a year, in February and September.
Please send any useful information to the editor.

Edited by Stichting Vrienden Nederlands Tegelmuseum - European Ceramic Tiles Circle, c/o Caignie Frans, Akkerstraat 3, B-2970 Schilde, Belgium. Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.

The European Ceramic Tiles Circle is not responsible for the correctness of the information.
Prices are for information only and exclusive post & packing costs.
