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Vrienden Nederlands Tegelmuseum


Exhibition "Wij lopen op geschiedenis. Vloeren en tegels uit Cisterciënzerabdijen" (Walking on history. Floors and tiles from Cistercian abbeys), in: Museum Duinenabdij, Koninklijke Prinslaan 8, 8670 Koksijde. Until 15 September 1998. Catalogue by D. DUTOO, 29 pages, Dutch, BF 50,-. Study of medieval floor-tiles; A repertory of the most frequently used pictures and ornaments; Positioning of the tiles in the abbey. Order from the Museum, tel. +32 58 51 19 33.


Tile Sale Bring, buy, sell or swap tiles on Saturday 3rd October 1998, 1.00-4.30pm at Arnot Hill House, Arnot Hill Park, Nottingham. After the Sale, enrolled TACS members are welcome to view the tile collection of Michael Blood - about 2000 tiles. An organisation of TACS ; details and enrolment from Michael Blood, Nottingham +44 115 960 8502.

Newsletter Tiles & Architectural Ceramics Society (TACS), n° 42 (Spring) ; n° 43 (Summer) ; n° 44 (Autumn 1998): 1998 events and news from the Society. TACS, Katryn Huggins, Reabrook Lodge, 8 Sutton Road, Shrewsbury SY2 6DD.

Magazine TACS, Glazed Expressions, nbr. 36, Spring 1998, 12p. Articles on different tile subjects: Tile discoveries in London and Newcastle upon Tyne; An interview with Susan Tunick, President of the US Friends of Terra Cotta; The Sydney opera house, the largest tiled structure built in the 20th century; Interviews with prominent British tile manufacturers; Pierre Mallet, a designer of Burmantofts faience tiles; several book reviews.

TACS Annual Lecture Saturday 17th October 1998, 11.30am at the City Museum & Art Gallery, Stoke-on-Trent: "Twentieth century tiles" by Chris Blanchett. Will be followed at 2.00pm with a tile identification session conducted by Chris Blanchett. Information from Lynn Pearson, TACS Events Secretary, 9 The Poplars, Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne NE3 4AE.

TACS Publications for Sale Spring 1998 list available from Deborah Skinner, TACS Publications Secretary, Potteries Museum and Art Gallery, Hanley, ST1 3DW Stoke-on-Trent, tel. +44 1782 232323.

Book FAWCETT, Jane - Historic Floors, Their history and conservation, Butterworth Heinemann, 1998, 250 pp., illus. in b&w and 80 col. plates. £ 60.00. Concentrates on encaustic tiled and mosaic floors in churches, cathedrals and chapels. Order: Buckland Books, Holly Tree House, 18 Woodlands Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex, BN17 5PP. Tel./Fax +44 1903 717 648.

Book PICKETT, Douglas - Early Persian Tilework, The Medieval Flowering of Kashi, Associated University Presses, 1997, 211 pp. text + 145 plates. £ 80.00. Investigation of the origins and significance of the earliest forms of Islamic tilework, the mosaic-style decoration known as Kashi. Order from Buckland Books.

Book CARSWELL, John - Iznik Pottery, British Museum Press, 1998, 128 pp., 44 col. + 64 b&w illus., paperback. £ 11.00. Illustrates a number of tiles and their relationship to other Iznik pottery. Order from Buckland Books.


Museum collection - Musée des Beaux Arts et de Céramique, 1 rue Faucon, 76000 Rouen has on permanent show some tile pictures made by Masseot Abaquesne for the Château d’Ecouen and the Château de la Bastie d’Urfé (1542 to 1557).

Catalogue LAHAUSSOIS, C. - Catalogue raisonné : "Faïences de Delft: musée national de Céramique, Sèvres.", Edition R.M.N., Paris, 1998 (autumn). Order at the museum, Place de la Manufacture, 92310 Sèvres.

Bulletin Les informations de l'ABRC - Association Bourguignonne de Recherches Céramiques, n°19 (March 1998) & n° 20 (June 1998), 4 pages, rue Dr. Maret 5, 21000 Dijon. Ceramics exhibitions, events , publications in France and abroad.

Article LEROY, Cathérine - Avers et revers des pavements du château d’Ecouen (both sides of the floor tiles in the castle of Ecouen), in: Revue de L’Art, n° 116 / 1997-2 (Revue du CNRS), p. 27-41.


Article 'Wärmendes Feuer in der heimischen Stube. Zur Entwicklung des Kamins in Ost-Friesland', in: Mein Haus in Ost-Friesland. Regionales Magazin für Bauen-Wohnen-Finanzierung, 3/1997, 1e Jahrgang, pp. 14-17.

Book GUTH, Peter - Wände der Verheissung - zur Geschichte der architekturbezogenen Kunst in der DDR, Leipzig, 1995, ISBN 3-9803346-7-8. Contains illustrations of tile works of the former DDR. Order from: Fröhlich & Kaufmann Verlag und Versand, Willdenowstraße 5, 13353 Berlin. DM 40,-. Tel. +49 30-465 10 01, fax -465 10 03.

Exhibition "Biblische Geschichten in Delfter Blau, Niederländische Bibelbfiesen von 1650 bis 1850", until 27.09.1998, in: Museum für Sakrale Kunst und Liturgie, Richard-Hauser-Platz, 69117 Heidelberg.

Catalogue TIEDEMANN, Klaus - catalogue for the above mentioned exhibition in Heidelberg, German text, 46 pp., 35 col. ill. DM 10,-. Order from the Museum für Sakrale Kunst und Liturgie or from Het Nederlands Tegelmuseum.

Book SABO, Rioletta - Azulejos in Portugal, Hirmer Verlag.

Exhibition "'Wenn‘t man smeckt', Küchengeräte aus vier Jahrhunderten", with a tile panel "Rozestar", blue, ± 1800, in: Museum Nienburg, Leinstraße 48, 31582 Nienburg. Until 30.09.1998. Dutch tiles from the 18th & 19th c. permanent on view.


Book Storia della ceramica di Montelupo, Volume primo: Le maioliche da mensa dalle origini alla fine del XV secolo, November 1997, 320 pp. Lire 110.000. Volume secondo : Dal Rinascimento al Settecento. La ceramica da mensa, November / December 1998, 352 pp. Lire 130.000. Order at : Aedo s.r.l., Via A. Gramsci 12, 50056, Montelupo Fiorentino (Fi), tel. +39 571 51060, fax -51506. Volume 3 & 4 to follow. The work is the result of 24 years of archeological, archive and historical research conducted and coordinated by Dr. Fausto Berti, director of the Museo Archeologico e della Ceramica di Montelupo.

Book DONATONE, Guido - La riggiola Napoletana: Pavimenti e Rivestimenti maiolicati dal seicento all’ottocento, 1997, Grimaldi & C, 267 pp., 400 col. and b&w illus., Italian text. £ 99.00. Detailed and fine study of Neapolitan maiolica wall and floor tiles from the 17th and 18th centuries. Order from Buckland Books (address: see England).

The Netherlands

Exhibitions 1) "Portuguese diary, impressions on tile pictures": until 20.09.1998, 2) "The collection Dingeman Korf": November 1998 until August 1999, in: Het Nederlands Tegelmuseum, Eikenzoom 12, 6731 BH Otterlo, tel. +31 318 591519, fax -592000.

Annual meeting The Stichting Vrienden van het Nederlands Tegelmuseum (Association of Friends of the Dutch Tile Museum) holds its annual meeting, Saturday 26 September 1998 10.00am, in Museum Het Princessehof, Grote Kerkstraat 11, Leeuwarden. Lectures in Dutch by Dirk Hoekstra & Haijo Haitsma ("De Workumer kamer/The Workumer room"), Jan Pluis ("Fries aardewerk/Friesian earthenware") and Horst Ariens ("A collector tells about his own tile collection: Elephants"). In the afternoon, visit of the ceramic and tile collections of the museum.

Annual Stichting Vrienden van het Nederlands Tegelmuseum: TEGEL 26, September 1998, 52 pages, dutch + english summary. 1) 'Construction of the earliest tile pillars' (J.H. van den Berge), 2) 'An Antwerp tile carpet, a reconstruction based on two tiles' (Frans Caignie, Tony Oost), 3) 'A serie of portrait tiles painted from Pieter Breugel the Ancient' (Kitty Laméris, Jan Holtkamp), 4) 'Dutch tiles in Algiers during the Turkish Regency 1518-1830' (Jean Couranjou), 5) 'A tile picture made for a silver wedding (?)' (F.H. Landzaat), 6) 'Jugendstil tiles made in De Distel, Amsterdam', part 1 (Karel Nijkerk); Bibliography 1.07.1997 - 1.07.1998. NLG 15,-. Order at : Het Nederlands Tegelmuseum, address : see above.

Book TICHELAAR, Pieter Jan & POLDER, Casper - Gebakken schilderijen. Friese keramische platen 1870-1930 / Fired Paintings. Friesian ceramic wall plaques 1870-1930. Primavera Pers, Leiden, 1998, 232 pp., 144 plaques, 63 pages illustrated introduction, NLG 149,50.

Article BIESBOER Pieter - Schotels en tegels voor de sier (dishes and tiles for decoration), in: Keramiek, 1997, n° 6, p. 6-9.

Article TERLOUW, Willem J. - 'Aanwinst Europese keramiek - Tien Antwerpse tegels uit Anjum' (Acquisition of European Ceramic, Ten Antwerp Tiles from Anjum), in: Keramika, 1997, nr. 4, p. 15-18. Tiles from the workplace of Guido di Savino, 1530.


Magazine Butlletí Informatiu de Ceràmica, n° 63, January-June 1998; a publication of the Associació Catalana de Ceràmica Decorada i Terrissa, Sant Honorat 7, 08002 Barcelona. Information on tiles in each edition.

Index The Associació Catalana has issued an index of all articles that have been published in the first 50 editions of their Butlleti Informatiu de Ceràmica.

Annual Meeting Trobada de col-leccionistes de rajola Catalana i ceràmica antiga en general, in Vallromanes (Vallès Oriental), organised each year on the fourth Sunday of May. An organisation of the above mentioned Associació.


Symposium "Tiles: A living history". A 5-day symposium of lectures, exhibitions, guided tours, workshops, demonstrations, tile auction and sale, highlighting the historic tiles of southeastern Pennsylvania and the role of history in contemporary tile work. Commemorating the centennial of Henry Chapman Mercer’s Moravian Pottery and Tile Works. October 13-17, 1998, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The participants will spend October 14 in the Philadelphia Museum of Art with lectures by Ella Schaap (A brief history of 17th and 18th c. Dutch wall tiles in the museum), Andrew Lins (Dutch tiles : a case study in desalting) and tours of the collections of tiles in the museum. Information: Tile Heritage Foundation, P.O. Box 1850, Healdsburg, CA 95448, tel. +1 707 431 8453, fax -8455.

Book KARLSON, Norman - American Art Tile, Rizzoli, USA, 224 pp., over 300 col. illus. £ 40.00. Starting with early tiles that clearly show their affinity to British tiles, the book shows how the American tile industry had developed its own unique style by the early 20th c. Order from Buckland Books (address: see England).

Book MERCER, H.C. - Guide book to the tiled pavement in the Pennsylvania capitol, Pennsylvania, USA, 1998, 107 pp., 400 b&w illus. + loose plan of tile layout, paperback. £ 7.00. Facsimile reproduction of Henry Chapman Mercer’s 1908 Guide Book of this 1500 square meters tiled floor. Order from Buckland Books (address: see England).

The objective of this Bulletin is the exchange of information on all kind of events (publications, exhibitions, lectures, ...) related to the subject of ceramic tiles and tiles related ceramics.
Published twice a year, in February and September.
Please send any useful information to the editor.

Edited by Stichting Vrienden Nederlands Tegelmuseum - European Ceramic Tiles Circle, c/o Caignie Frans, Akkerstraat 3, B-2970 Schilde, Belgium. Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.

The European Ceramic Tiles Circle is not responsible for the correctness of the information.
Prices are for information only and exclusive post & packing costs.
