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Vrienden Nederlands Tegelmuseum


Study LALEMAN M.C., LIEVOIS D., STOOPS G. & SWIMBERGHE P. - 'Hollands Porselein uit Gent' (Dutch porcelain in Genth), in: Stadsarcheologie, bodem en monument in Gent. Gentse Vereniging voor Stadsarcheologie. jrg. 20, nr. 3. pp. 5-55.

Catalogue Valencia-Vlaanderen. Middeleeuwse ceramiek. València-Flandres. Ceràmica medieval. Exhibition held in Bruges, Stedelijk Gruuthusemuseum, 14.04 -18.05.1997. 240pp. Dutch and Spanish text, English translation. 72 col.ill. (14 tiles).

Article OOST, Tony - 'Een belangrijke aanwinst voor het Museum Vleeshuis: vijf Antwerpse majolicategels uit de vroege 16de eeuw' (An important acquisition for the Museum Vleeshuis : five Antwerp majolica tiles of the early 16th c.), in : J. VEECKMAN (ed.), Berichten en Rapporten over het Antwerps Bodemonderzoek en Monumentenzorg, 2, Antwerpen, 1998 (in print) (with summary in French). Order: Stad Antwerpen, Kunsthistorische Musea, Afdeling Opgravingen, Godefriduskaai 36, 2000 Antwerpen.

Article SCHAAP, Ella B. - 'A brief history of Dutch tiles', in: The Low Countries: Arts and Society in Flanders and the Netherlands. Bruges, 1997-1998, pp. 108-117.

Correction Roelantsmuseum, Sint Bernardusabdij Hemiksem. New opening hours: from April 1 to September 30, each first Sunday of the month, 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Check by telephone +32 3 887.70.59 (M. Van de Vreken) before visiting.


Book The Potter’s Art. Contributions to the study of the Koerner Collection of European Ceramics. (cf. Bulletin n°3), Contributions given at a symposium at University of British Columbia, 1991. 192 pp. Order from UBC Press, 6344 Memorial Road, Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6T 1Z2. ± Can$ 60. Fax (604)822-6083 for details. (amongst others: CHILTON, Meredith - Maiolica in Canadian Museum Collections, p.25-37; SCHNYDER, Rudolf - Swiss Stoves and Stove Tiles : A Picture-Library, p.153-172).

Internet Tiles on the Web (address: see below) - Dutch Tiles, notes from a neophyte, by Margot Allingham, Vancouver.


Newsletter Tiles & Architectural Ceramics Society (TACS), no. 40 (Autumn 1997) ; no. 41 (Winter 1997) : 1998 events.

Magazine TACS, Glazed Expressions, nbr. 35, Autumn 1997, 12p. Articles on Tile Mural at the Royal School, Bath - Angela Evans, tile maker - Tile hunting in the Antipodes - Dutch tiles in the Château de Labbeville - A Plague Tile Panel in Bruges.

Internet The WWW Tile Image Gallery has been launched on the World Wide Web. It is driven by TACS member Michael Swann. Each tile image has a brief description. Visit the gallery on http://www.derbycity.com/michael/tile-cd.html

Booklist A catalogue of books about tiles, terracotta, bricks, faïence, mosaics and all architectural ceramics, Oct. 1997. Order: Buckland Books, Holly Tree House, 18 Woodlands Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex, BN17 5PP. Tel./Fax +44 1903 717 648.

Book HAMILTON, Mark - Rare Spirit, The life of William de Morgan, 1839-1917, September 1997, 256 pp., 16 col. ill. + 8 pp b&w, £22.50. Order from: Buckland Books (address: see previous item).

Book ELLIOT, Marion - The tile decorating book. October 1997, 160 pp., 300 col.ill., £14.95. Order from: Buckland Books.

Book TUNICK, Susan - Paris and the legacy of french architectural ceramics, 1997, 42pp., 45 ill., £12.50. Three articles on terracotta and tiles in Paris and their influence on American architectural ceramics. Order from: Buckland Books.

Book TOOM, L.M. den - Schouwen en schoorstenen in de Krimpener en Lopikerwaard. 1996, 55 pp., 98 b&w ill., £11.50. Order from: Buckland Books.

Report GAIMSTER D.R.M. and NENK, B.S. (eds) - Maiolica in the North: The production of Tin-glazed Ceramics in North-West Europe 1450-1600. A British Museum Occasional Paper, 1998 (in preparation). Proceedings of a colloquium held in June 1997 at the British Museum. Will include contributions on maiolica tiles as well as pottery. Belgian & Dutch contributions.

Article GAIMSTER D.R.M. and NENK, B.S. - English households in Transition c. 1450-1550: the ceramic evidence, in: The Age of Transition: the Archaeology of English Culture 1400-1600, 1997, pp. 171-195. Considers floor tiles, stove tiles & pottery.


Bulletin Les informations de l'ABRC - Association Bourguignonne de Recherches Céramiques, n°18 (September 1997, 4 pages), rue Dr. Maret 5, 21000 Dijon.

Proceedings Ceramic Heritage, Proceedings of Session 4 of the 5th Conference and Exhibition of the European Ceramic Society (ECERS), Versailles, France, June 22-26, 1997, organised on behalf of the ECERS by the Groupe Français de la Céramique. Editor: A. Bouquillon. Trans Tech Publications Ltd, Brandrain 6, CH-8707 Uetikon-Zürich (USA: Trans Tech Publications Ltd c/o Enfield P&D Co Inc, Post Box 699, Enfield, New Hampshire 03748 (USA).

Association et Musée Paul Charnoz. Carrelage céramique de Paray-le-Monial, 32 avenue de la Gare, 71600 Paray-le-Monial (Saône-et-Loire), President: André Barnay. Association created in 1993 to rehabilitate the patrimony of the factory founded in 1877 by Paul Charnoz; still working. Museum opened mid-June to mid-Sept., on Saturdays, Sundays & public holidays (p.m.).

Exhibition "Le vert et le brun, céramiques méditerranéens de Kairouan à Avignon". 01.02-30.04.98, in : Musée National des Arts et Traditions Populaires, 6 Avenue du Mahatma Gandhi, 75116 Paris. (was in Marseille 11.95-02.96).Catalogue available.

Articles CARTIER, Jean - 1) 'La Faïence du Beauvaisis au XIXe siècle' (tile manufactures "Saint-Paul" and "l’Italienne"), pp. 173-178 ; 2) 'Les Fabricants de carreaux' (tiles manufactured by the Boulengers of Auneuil, the Coloziers and the Grébers of Beauvais), pp. 201-207, in: Groupe de Recherches et d’Etudes de la Céramique du Beauvaisis, Bulletin n°19 (1967-1997, trentenaire du G.R.E.C.B.), G.R.E.C.B., 8 Avenue Victor Hugo, 60000 Beauvais.

Catalogue Salon international de la céramique de collection et des arts du feu, Paris, September 1997. Association des spécialistes de la céramique de collection, 169 Bd. St Germain, 75006 Paris. fax 01 42 84 09 80. Next fair : September 1999.

Report La Céramique Médiévale en Méditerranée. Various authors, 1997, 736 pp. Reports of the 6th congress of the Association for the Study of Medieval Ceramics in the Mediterranean Basin. Contains a large section on wall and floor tiles from the southern France, Spain, north Africa and Italy, many shown for the first time. Order from Buckland Books (address: see England).


Museum collection The great collection of Dutch & Schleswig-Holstein tiles of the Altonaer Museum, Museumstrasse 23, Hamburg, which has been stored after the fire in the Museum (1980) is prepared for exhibiting again in 1998 in two staircases.

Articles 'Altes Handwerk neu belebt: Azulejos' - 'Mit der Metro durchs (tile) Museum' - 'Die schönsten Azulejos von A bis Z', in : Bom Dia, Portugal. Das Magazin für Portugal, nr. 12, Dezember 1997, pp. 10-16.

Article PETRICONI, Renate - 'Die Wiederaufnahme und Entwicklung einer Variante des Ili-Bilinde-Motives innerhalb der Fliesenproduktion der Jahrhundertwende', in : Keramos, 158, Oktober 1997, pp. 81-86. (Körnerstr. 21, 63067 Offenbach/Main)


Book Storia della ceramica di Montelupo, Volume primo: Le maioliche da mensa dalle origini alla fine del XV secolo, November 1997, 320 pp. Lire 110.000. Order at: Aedo s.r.l., Ufficio distribuzione, Via XX settembre 34, 50056 Montelupo Fiorentino (Fi). Volume 2: June 1998, Volume 3: November 1998, Volume 4: March 1999.

Articles 1) M.F. PORCELLA, M. DADEA - 'Mattonelle maiolicate in Sardegna, secc. XV-XIX' (Majolica tiles in Sardinia), in: Archeologia Postmedievale: l’esperienza Europea e l’Italia, pp.267-284, proceedings (1997) of an international study congress in Sassari, 17-20 October 1994, 388pp., LI 80.000.
2) 'XVIth-XVIIIth c. tiles found in some Sicily sites', in: La ceramica postmedievale in Italia. Il contributo dell’archeologia, pp.259-270, proceedings (1997) of an international study congress in Albisola, 27-29 May 1994, 432 pp., LI 90.000. Scientific organization by Prof. Marco Milanese. Order at: Insegna del Giglio s.a.s., Via R. Giuliani 152r , 50141 Firenze, tel. +39 55 451593 fax 450030.

Research Prof. Marco Milanese (Università di Genova, Departimento di archeologia) wishes to inform the E.C.T.C. Bulletin readers about his own research in progress about the trade and the presence of Italian tiles in Tunisia (archaeological and architectural contexts, 19th century). Via S. Pantaleo 175, 50059 VINCI (Fi), Italy.

The Netherlands

Exhibitions 1) "Selection from the Museum’s store-cellar" (with items never on show before): 02.01-15.02.1998, 2) "Tile plaques (1887-1909) made in the Ceramic and Porcelain factory Rozenburg": 03.04-28.06.1998, 3) "Contemporain tile painting by Josephine King" (views on Lissabon): 17.07-20.09.1998, 4) "Tiles and Tile panels of the Dutch Jugendstil period": October-December 1998, in: Nederlands Tegelmuseum, Eikenzoom 12, 6731 BH Otterlo, tel. +31 318 591519, fax -592000.

Exhibition "Schotels en Tegels voor de Sier. Nederlandse majolica 1550-1650" (Dishes and tiles for decoration. Dutch majolica) until 15.02.1998, in: Vleeshal (Frans Halsmuseum), Grote Markt, Haarlem; 21.03-03.05.1998 in: Rijksmuseum Twenthe, Enschede.

Catalogue Dr. Pieter Biesboer - Nederlandse majolica, 1550-1650. Schotels en tegels, 188 p., 190 col.ill., NLG 165,- (135,- during exhibition), Dutch, (English summary pp.170-186). Order: E. van Drecht, PB 9475, 1006 AL Amsterdam.

Auction Catalogue European Ceramics, Dutch Delftware and Glass, Christie’s, Cornelis Schuytstraat 57, 1071 JG Amsterdam. 6-9 December 1997. Lots 276-300 concern tiles and tile pictures.


Exhibition catalogues 1997 1) Azulejos dos oceanos (Tiles of the oceans), 2) Júlio Resende, Obra cerámica (ceramic works). Order from: Museu Nacional do Azulejo, Rua da Madre de Deus 4, P-1900 Lissabon.

Exhibition in 1999 "A Fábrica do Rato, Lisboa" (the manufacture of Rato, Lissabon), in: Museu Nacional do Azulejo, Lissabon.

Book Maria Filomena Silva MARTINS - Azulejos do Juncal, Alcobaça, 1997, ISBN 972-8393-03-2. Esc. 4800,-.

Book ARAÚJO DE AMORIN, Sandra - Azulejaria de fachada na Póvoa de Varzim (1850-1950), 1996, 176 pp., 316 col. ill. ISBN 972-97058-0-1. Order at: Biblioteca Municipal "Rocha Peixoto", Rua Padre Alfonso Soares, 4490 Póvao de Varzim.

Book GUIMARÃES, Agostinho - Azulejos de Guimarães, 2a edição, revista e aumentada. Guimarães, 1997. Portuguese, English & French.


Article DOROFEEVA, Ljudmila - 'The "Barbara’s apartment" of A.D. Menshikov’s palace and tiled interior of Pagodenburg pavilion in the Munich residence Nymphenburg', in: Reports of the Conference "St. Petersburg Readings - 97; Materials of Encyclopaedic Library "St. Petersburg-2003"; St. Petersburg Researchers Association, pp. 427-430.

Article DUTOV, Anatolij - 'Finnish stove ceramics of the end of XIX - early XX c. in Saint-Petersburg'. Ibid.; pp. 430-434.


Catalogue Vincent Joan Estall i Poles - La Industria Cerámica en Onda. Las Fábricas, 1778 - 1997, Onda 1997. Monografias del Museo del Azulejo de Onda. Order at: Magnífic Ajuntament, Regidoria de Cultura, El Pla 1, E-12200 Onda (Castelló).

Annual Meeting XVIII Trobada de col-leccionistes de rajola antiga, Vallromanes (Valles Oriental), May 1998.

Article PLUIS, Jan - 'Algunes influències rebudes per la rajola holandesa', in: Butlletí Informatiu de Ceràmica, nbr. 62, July-December 1997, pp. 23-25. Order at: Associació Catalana de Ceràmica Decorada I Terrissa, Sant Honorat 7, 08002 Barcelona.


Museum collection The extensive collection of Dutch tiles in the Philadelphia Museum of Art, Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia, PA 19101-7646) is on permanent display on the 1st floor. This includes the 400-tile scene, the "Battle of Ramillies" made in Rotterdam ca. 1800. Many more early 18th c. Dutch tiles grouped by subject are displayed on the North Stairwell.

Book TAYLOR, Joseph A. - Craft of tile making in the Emilia Romagna. 1997. Published by Tile Heritage Foundation, P.O.Box 1850 Healdsburg CA 95448.

Magazine Tile Heritage : A review of American Tile History, biannual magazine of the Tile Heritage Foundation. "Flash Point", quarterly news of the Tile Heritage. List of old American tile catalogues. Index of Tile Heritage Foundation publications. Tile Fairs, symposium and sale : detailed information from Tile Heritage Foundation.

The objective of this Bulletin is the exchange of information on all kind of events (publications, exhibitions, lectures, ...) related to the subject of ceramic tiles and tiles related ceramics.
Published twice a year, in February and September.
Please send any useful information to the editor.

Edited by Stichting Vrienden Nederlands Tegelmuseum - European Ceramic Tiles Circle, c/o Caignie Frans, Akkerstraat 3, B-2970 Schilde, Belgium. Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.

The European Ceramic Tiles Circle is not responsible for the correctness of the information.
Prices are for information only and exclusive post & packing costs.
